Author: Mrs King

S1 Business Enterprise & IT

From week beginning Monday 11 January 2021, all S1 pupils will be completing and submitting their Employability Eportfolio.

This is a unit from last term and should be nearly finished – you have this week to complete and submit to your teacher on Teams.

Time spent per week: 50 mins/1-hour maximum

Details will be posted on Teams by your class teacher – you can send comments/questions via Teams.

Your Employability Eportfolio is currently set as an Assignment within MS Teams – remember to your eportfolio using the “open in app” option to access the full version of MS Word and ensure the Autosave function is set to “on”.

S1 Dawson 1A 1B 1C

S1 Gillies 1D 1E 1F

S1 Orchar 1G 1H 1I

S2 Reres 1J 1K 1L


From week beginning Monday 18 January 2021, all S1 pupils will  start a new unit of work on Google Maps – details to follow on the above teams.