The World According to Elaine and Moira

The exploits of Elaine and Moira as they promote reading for pleasure in Dundee

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The Award Ceremony in Pictures!

Huge thanks to Lewis Houghton,, for providing these splendid photos* of the Dundee Picture Book Award Ceremony 2018

*The file is quite large, either be patient and give it time to load, or, you can open it in your browser.

Thanks to Steve Soave, 81Films, we also have a short  Film of the work classes undertook preceding the Award Ceremony. Again, the film file is quite large so may take time to load.

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And the Winner Is…..

School for Little Monsters by Michelle Robinson and Sarah Horne!

What a great day we had yesterday when the winner of the Dundee Picture Book Award 2018 was announced at the Award Ceremony in the Whitehall Theatre.

There will be more pictures on the Blog soon but we just had to get something up here to say a massive congratulations to our winners but also a huge thank you to all of our guests and to all the teachers and pupils who work so hard over the months preceding the event.

Sarah posted a wonderful account of her time in Dundee on her Blog, click here to read what she had to say.

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Check out photos of today’s rehearsal, at the Whitehall Theatre, for the Picture Book Award.

Thank you Steve, 81films, for working your magic and thank you to Rosebank pupils for all their hard work, it is really paying off:-)

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7 More Sleeps!

The Hosts and Champions of the 2018 Dundee Picture Book Award went through their paces in school today for the last time.  Next week we move to rehearsing in the Whitehall Theatre in preparation for the Award Ceremony on Thursday 21st June.

All the children have been practising really hard and now it’s all coming together like a George Peppard plan(!).   Steve Soave, 81films, joined us to capture some footage for the documentary, take a look at his lovely photos:-)

P6 you really are Stars in the Making.

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Life, work and literacy

Elaine and I dashed out to St Pius yesterday afternoon to talk about Life, Work and Literacy.

There couldn’t really be a more fitting topic for two Librarians! It was interesting to find out what each class thought the job of a Librarian involved.  They all came up with good examples of aspects of the job: shelving books; stamping them out; chasing up overdue loans etc.  However, we explained we don’t do any of these things, we HAVE done them but we do completely different things in our current roles.

After chatting about our actual jobs we also spoke about books which have been important to us throughout our lives from Elaine’s craft book which helped her to make a little felt mouse when she was 7 to my Assassin’s Creed Official Guides which helped me to learn how to play my first computer game at 59!

We were truly delighted with how well each class engaged and asked us loads of questions.

Thank you for the invite and for such a warm (quite literally) reception.

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Meta Cognition Day


It’s not every day a TOP SECRET envelope arrives on your desk so you can imagine our excitement when we each received one. Inside was a letter inviting us to an assembly, and day of activities, at Dens Road Primary to update us on how their Meta Cognition Initiative is progressing.

It all started on May 4th last year and things seems to have gone from strength to strength.  We were very impressed with the confidence of P7s delivering an excellent assembly explaining the concept of Meta Cognition and how it relates to their individual learning.

If you would like to understand more about ‘learning to learn’ click here.

Thank you, and well done Superheroes of Dens Road, we look forward to future updates and TOP SECRET Letters:-)



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Is it OK to be angry?

This was the question posed by Sally Romilly at last night’s CPD in the One World Centre. It sparked a really good philosophical discussion amongst the packed house! This was followed by Clare Fulton treating us to a beautiful reading of Grandfather Gandhi which was written by Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson. Then bingo! By the wonders of modern technology we were talking to Arun Gandhi via Skipe 😀 It was such a privilege to hear his memories and stories which were both thought provoking and interesting.

Finally,  I can’t sign off without mentioning the cake – Oh My Giddy Aunt ‘twas amazing and enhanced a truly splendid event.  Thank you.



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Audio Stars!


Elaine and I had the privilege of working with Professionals this week! 4 amazing pupils from Our Lady’s RC Primary wowed us with their wonderful reading of the short listed books for the Dundee Picture Book Award Ceremony next month.  The children read so beautifully and with such great use of expression they completely brought the books to life. We can’t wait to share the recordings with everyone at the Whitehall Theatre on Thursday 21st June!

Steve Soave of 81Films was on hand to take some super duper photos – have a keek🙂

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Thank You Our Lady’s

The ‘Beast from the East’ might have put the hems on World Book Day but it didn’t bank on RESCHEDULING!!!

Thank you P6, and Mr Weir, for the warm welcome when I came to your class to deliver my presentation originally planned for WBD. I could not have asked for a more engaged and attentive audience.

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