Dates for P4 Sacraments of Initiation 2014

St Clement’s R.C. Primary Sacraments of Initiation 2013/14
• Parents’ Meeting – Tuesday, 18th February 2014 (6pm, school)
• Enrolment – Sunday, 9th March 2014 (during 11am Mass)
• Reconciliation – Thursday, 24th April 2014 (in church at 6pm)
• Confirmation – Sunday, 27th April 2014 (during 11am Mass)
• First Holy Communion – Sunday, 1st June 2014 (during 11am Mass)

What’s ON……….w/b 20th January

MONDAY, 20th
P6 Student Doctors Project
Mrs Fleming at Numeracy Leader training (Mrs McArtney with P6)
9 Target Assembly
9.30 HT / Leadership Group (Dundee House)
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy
pm School Nurse meeting various parents
3.30 Working Group Meetings
3.30 Mrs Thomson – Louise Henderson re P7 Profiles
6.15 Campus Parents Open Voice Event

P6 Student Doctors Project
1.15 POST Fun Fit training for Campus Support Staff
1.30 Lochee Pathfinders Group meeting in CR1
4.15 HT and PT / OTWL Managers’ Training

P6 Student Doctors Project
9 HTs Meeting with Director
2 HT / Attendance Coordinators’ Meeting
3.30 Bereavement Coordinators’ Meeting (LD) (Craigowl)
3.45 Cluster Maths Group (St Clement’s) (JF, HT)
4.15 Cluster Science Group (Sensation) (NF)

P6 Student Doctors Project
9.15 Facilities Staff Mechanical Demos
10 HT / Primary HTs Association Meeting (Ballumbie)
11 Cluster Property Meeting (CBSO attending)
1.30 HT meeting Property Officer re Campus issues
3.30 PESYA Meeting (Dryburgh) (Support Staff, HT)
4 Reading Leaders’ Meeting (St Andrew’s) (LD)

FRIDAY, 24th
Teacher Self Evaluations due.
P6 Student Doctors Project
9.30 Assembly led by P4
11 HT / PT Planning Meeting
3 READ EYPs meeting (Dryburgh)

Parent/Carer Letter

Appended a short info letter which went out today in schoolbags. Please read:

Dear Parent / Carer,
A couple of items for your attention:
1. School Meals
You may be aware that meals for the Campus are being prepared (by our Kitchen staff) offsite at present and brought in. This is because of an ongoing fault with the water pumping system which is making it impossible to get enough hot water in the kitchen for food preparation. This fault is being urgently investigated and, hopefully, remedied. Please be reassured that this is not a hygiene issue in the rest of the school – the tap water is warm enough for effective hand washing.
2. Dogs
As you know, dogs are not permitted in the school playgrounds, even on a lead, because many children are scared of dogs. Unfortunately, this rule has led to a few dogs being left tied up beside the school gates, especially at the Charleston Road gate, and this has led to some children being barked at and scared. Please do not bring dogs anywhere near the school when collecting your child. I appreciate that this can be difficult for some, but I must ask you to respect the safety and rights of all of our children. Thank you in advance – it’s important to keep our Campus a safe and happy place.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions about this or any other issues.
Yours sincerely,
A. Macgregor
Head Teacher

What’s On………….Week Beginning 10th January 2014

MONDAY, 13th January
9 Target Assembly
9 HT / Aspire Project Planning meeting
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy resumes
2 HT / Mrs Mulholland / Talletta Jamieson re Parental Involvement
3.30 Cooperative Planning

Miss Lawrence starts back
11 HT / St Paul’s Extended Review Focus Group
1.30 Academy of Sport Meeting
3.30 Fun Fit Tayside CPD

Parent Drop-In
P6 Student Doctors Project
Mrs M. Thomson not in.
Miss Flight – Behaviour Management CPD
9 HT / Primary HTs Seminar
9.15 PT / CP Case Conference
1.30 SfL Review
3.30 HT / Pre Agenda Meeting with Directorate (Dundee House)

P6 Student Doctors Project
Mrs Fleming not in.
1.30 HT / Campus IT Meeting

FRIDAY, 17th
P6 Student Doctors Project
am Department Assemblies
11 HT / Campus Management Meeting
12.30 HT / LAC Review

Happy New Year!

Wishing all parent, carers and everyone else a very happy and prosperous 2014.
Here is what’s on this week as we settle back into school:

MONDAY, 6th January
9 Target Assembly
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

11.15 Support Staff Meeting

Parent Drop-In
10 HT / PT Planning
2.30 HT / Mrs Fleming – Numeracy Leader Training (St John’s)

1.15 Heather Breen, Cluster Business Support Officer, visiting – meeting with PEYSA staff
7 HT and 2 pupils attending Bishop Stephen’s installation

FRIDAY, 10th
9.30 P2 Class Mass in church
9.30 New Term Assembly
1.15 House Time
2 HTs Budget Briefing from Director (Dryburgh)

Action Against Bullying

Schools across Dundee have been asked to revise Anti-Bullying Policies and procedures. Attached is an early draft of Action Against Bullying Guidance which I have put together for our school, based upon the Council’s revised Guidelines, which I offer to you for your opinions and suggestions. The Pupil and Parent Councils will be offering suggestions, improvements etc early next term, and we will also hold Pupil and Parent Open Voice events to give everyone a chance to have their say on how we should carry on tackling this very important issue. Bullying is not a major issue in school at present (evidence from Pupil and Parent questionnaires for the inspection suggests that we are successfully dealing with most instances) but instances do still occur and we’d like to reduce this to as close to zero as we can. Please have a look and let us know what you think.
Anti-Bullying Guidance (St Clement’s) 2013

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