What’s On…………w/b 28th April

MONDAY, 28th
9 Target Assembly
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy
3.30 Teachers’ Working Group Meetings

am DEPS visit
9.15 Transition Meeting for P7 Pupil going to St Paul’s
RSPB Sea Eagle visits – 9.30 P4, 11 P5, 1.15 P6, 2.15 P7
9.15 Campus P7 Drumming
11 P4 Band Practice
11 HT / Mr Ferrier, Blackness re HMIE
1.15 P5 Golf
1.30 HT / Mrs Stanfield, Rosebank re HMIE
3.30 Football v Sidlaw View (A)

9.15 HT / Leadership Group Meeting
10.30 P7 Tesco Visit
3.15 PT / Parent
3.30 Football v Gowriehill (Myrekirk)

9.45 HT / HTs Association Meeting (St Andrew’s)
10.45 P6 Swimming
11 PT / LAC Review for Pupil (Claverhouse)
12.30 HT / Interviews for St Andrew’s PS HT Post (Dundee House)
1.15 P6 KIKO Group
3.30 Mrs Fleming / Cluster Numeracy Group

Teacher Self Evaluations Due
Radio Tay Cash for Kids Day – Dress as a Superhero!
HT / EIS HTs Conference (Edinburgh)
9.15 Department Assemblies (PT)
9 PT / Parent
9.15 P7 Cycling
1.30 Girls Football Festival
1.30 P5 Air Workshop

What’s On……….week beginning 21st April

MONDAY, 21st
9 Target Assembly (PT)
9 HT / KIKO Staff re P6 PSD Group
9 Jane Allen, new School and Family Development Worker in school.
9.30 Choir Practice – Mrs Scott
11.15 PT / HT / Fr Rogi
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy
12 Whole Campus Stunt Cyclists Show
12.30-1.30 Delayed lunch hour.
2 Hosanna! Dress Rehearsal
3.45 Skills Development Workshop then Cooperative Planning

9.15 Campus P7 Drumming
9.30 HT / Integrated Services Review Group (Dundee Hse)
9.30 Choir Practice – Mrs Scott
11 P4 Band Practice
1.15 P5 Golf for 5 weeks
2.30 HT / Miss Nicoll / Parent
4.15 HT – OTWL Users Group Meeting (St John’s)

8 HT / HTs Association Executive (Conf Rm 1)
9.15 PT / Team Around the Child Level 3 Meeting
9.30 LD out
11 PT – P2/3 Pupils Core Group Meeting
1.45 and 6.30 Hosanna!

9.15 Anne Ferguson, St John’s re P7 Transition (PT with P7)
9.30 Choir Practice – Mrs Scott
9.30 HT / Pupil Home Supervision Review
10.30 HT / Children’s Hearing
10.45 P6 Swimming
11 HT / Custer Property Meeting (St Ninian’s)
1.15 P6 KIKO Group
4 Catholic Schools FA Meeting (Conf Room 1)
6 P4 Reconciliation

FRIDAY, 25th
Class Letters issued.No Assemblies
9.15 P7 Cycling (JM arranging)
9 PT / Group / St John’s Anti-Bullying event
9.30 P6 Class Mass
10 HT / LAC Review (Claverhouse)
1.30 House Time
1.30 HT / Staffing Review Group meeting (Dundee Hse)


Leng Medal

Huge congratulations to TAYLOR GLENNIE, our Leng Silver Medal Winner for this year. Fantastic! We hope to hear Taylor sing at the Official Opening of the new buidling on 6th June and at Prizegiving on 20th June.
A big well done, too, to the other finalists – Carly Robertson, John Small, Gabbi Hodun, Morven Lee and Aiden Stuart. We’re really proud of all of you. 🙂

What’s On……….Week Beginning 14th April

PGDE Students in P1 classes until 23/5

New Term. 
Assembly Hall P5-7 All Day
9 Target Assembly
9.30 HT / Charlie Wilson, KIKO re PSD Group
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

9 – 10.30 Assembly Hall P5-7
11.15 Support Staff Meeting
1.30 HT meeting new SCSS School Family Development Worker, Jane Allan
4 Miss Mullan / Leadership CPD (St Paul’s)

Assembly Hall P5-7 All Day
9 HT / Primary HTs Open Voice Event
1.15 P7s to St Paul’s Easter Service
1.30 HT/PT/Mrs Dashwood / Pupil Support Review
2.30 HT / Staffing Review (Dundee House)

10.45 P6 Swimming
11 Holy Thursday Service led by P4 (Gym Hall)
2 Assembly Hall available for P5-7 Show Rehearsal
2.30 HT/PT/Mrs Dashwood – SfL Review

FRIDAY, 16th

What’s On….w/b 17th March

PGDE Students in P1 classes until 23/5

MONDAY, 17th
9 Target Assembly
9.30 HT / IT Refresh Seminar (Dryburgh)
11 Student Tutor with P5
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy
1.30 P5 Heartstart
1.30 HT / Balgarthno Snaggings Meeting
3.30 Parents’ Meetings
7 HT / Parent Council Training Event (Downfield PS)

10 HT / Integrated Services Review Meeting (Dundee House)
10.30 Cluster Admins Meeting (Conf Rm 1)
11.30 HT / Miss Forbes – PRD Meeting
1.30 Tele Photograph
3.30 Parents’ Meetings

9.15 St Paul’s Staff visiting P7
P1-3 RSPB Sea Eagle sessions (see timetable)
10 HT / PT Planning
11.30 PT / Network Meeting (Conf. Rm 1)
1.15 DEPS visit (See LD for timetable)
2 HT / Leadership Group Meeting (Dundee House)

9 Tempest Photographer for P7 Young Scot Cards
9 HT / HTs Meeting with Director (Music Centre)
10.45 P6 Swimming
3.30 Mrs Dammer – Cluster Financial Education Group (St Andrew’s)
4 Mrs Dashwood – Reading Leaders’ Meeting (St Andrew’s)

FRIDAY, 21st
9.30 Assembly led by P2
10.15 P3 Tesco Visit
1.30 House Time

What’s On……w/b 24th February 2014

MONDAY, 24th
9 Target Assembly
New RWI groupings start
9.15 School Nurse / Parent
11 HT / Property Meeting (CR1)
2.30 HT / Mrs Dashwood PRD
3.30 Working Groups / Cooperative Planning

Miss Lawrence, Mrs Rice, Mrs Daly at Epilepsy Training
9 PT Managing Absence Training (P6 cover tbc)
9 HT / Sport Meeting (CR1)
2.30 Mrs Dashwood visiting St Andrew’s Memories Group

RWI Development Day
Fairtrade Coffee Morning
10 HT, Mrs Daly – Finance Review
1.30 HT, PT, Mrs Dashwood – Pupil Support Review

HT – Cluster HTs Meeting (St Andrew’s)
10.45 P6 Swimming
1.15 P7 Peer Ed
2 HT / Lina Waghorn re Official Opening (Dundee House)
3 PT / Children’s Hearing
3.30 HT / Consultation with Directorate (Dundee House)
4.30 Catholic HTs Meeting (Pastoral Centre)
7 Mass for Catholic School Staff (Lawside Convent)

FRIDAY, 28th
Wave 102 ‘Dress Down for a Pound’ Day
9.30 Assembly led by P3
1.15 P5-7 Scottish Opera singing Workshop (Dance Studio/Assembly Hall)
1.30 P1-4 House Time

What’s On………………w-b 3rd February

Campus Anti-Bullying Week

MONDAY, 3rd February
Last Day for new P1 Enrolment at school.
Last Day for P7-S1 Placing Requests to be made.
9 Target Assembly
9 Active Schools Team Meeting (Conference Room 1)
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy
3.30 Department Meetings

9.45 HT / Kenny McKeown, Qulaity Improvement Officer
1.15 P7 in ICT suite all pm – Scratch Project with Mr Christie from St Paul’s
1.30 HT / Louise Reid, Ardler PS re HMIe
4 PT / Leadership CPD @ St John’s
4 Mre Fleming / Magnificent Microbes CPD @Sensation

am DEPS visit
10 HT / Primary HTs Executive (CR1)
11 HT / PEYSA Staff meetings with CBSO, Heather Breen.
1.30 HT / PT – Planning Meeting
5 – 6pm Campus Parents Anti-Bullying Event

HT Out – Validated Self Evaluation @ St Joseph’s P.S., Aberdeen

HT Out – Validated Self Evaluation @St Joseph’s P.S., Aberdeen
No Assemblies.
9.30 P3 Class Mass in St Clement’s Church
9.30 P6-7 Scottish Country Dancing Festival @ St Andrew’s P.S.

What’s On…………w-b 27th January 2014

MONDAY, 27th
Holocaust Memorial Day
8.45 Danny Webster visiting re OTWL
9 Target Assembly
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting (including introduction to ASPIRE project)

am Miss Black and Mrs Clark at Epilepsy training @ Ninewells
9.15 HT / Campus Library Meeting
11.15 Support Staff Meeting
4 Fun in Athletics Final

Andrea Strachan with P2
9.15 Annual School Review (HT and PT)
Whole School SSPCA Talks (Assembly Hall/Classrooms)
11 HT / PT Planning
1.30 HT, PT & Mrs Dashwood / SCSS / Pupil Support Review
1.30 P6 / Dundee Picture Book Award session
3.45 HT / Mrs Fleming / Student Nurses Presentations (Dundee Univ.)
4 PT / Citizenship Coordinators’ Meeting @ Rowantree P.S.

9 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
1.15 St Paul’s staff visiting targeted P7 pupils re transition
1.15 P5 Fun Fit Tayside sessions start (8 weeks)
3 HT / Star Chamber Budget Group (St Andrew’s P.S.)
3.45 Mrs Thomson / Cluster This is Our Faith Group (St Andrew’s)
4.15 HT & Miss Flight / On Track With Learning Users’ Group
6 HT / Academy of Sport Launch (Abertay Univ.)

FRIDAY, 31st
9 PT / P2-3 Parent
9.15 Department Assemblies
11.15 Finance Review (HT/ED)
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy

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