All posts by Mr Macgregor

Important News

Please watch out in schoolbags today for important news about a visit to the school By Education Scotland inspectors in the week beginning 18th November. A sample of parents/carers are asked to fill in a questionnaire which will come home today and we ask that this is completed and posted off (freepost) directly to Education Scotland. Please do this – it’s important to the school. Due to a technical hitch, P1-4 Letters and Questionnaires are out today, P1-3 will be on Monday.

What’s On………..W/b 28th October 2013


MONDAY, 28th
9 Target Assembly
9.30 Lina Waghorn, Head of Primary Education, visiting
3.30 Cooperative Planning

10 Finance Review
11 HT / Property Meeting @ MHS
2.30 HT / Catholic HTs AGM

9 – 9.30 Parent Drop in restarts
QIO Visit (Olivia Menzies) – including drop in classroom visits
Mrs Thomson and Mrs McArtney at Maths CPD – Miss Mullan with P7
am P1 Teddy Bears Hospital visit (Ninewells)
11 P6 Remembrance Day talk
Lunchtime – Mrs M. Thomson not in.
1.30 Pupil Support Review
2.30 SfL Review

LD am only
Hallowe’en Parties as arranged by Class Teachers
9.15 Primary HTs Association Meeting (Claypotts Castle)
10 P4 and 5 Discovery Film Festival
1.15 P2 and P3 Discovery Film Festival
4 RWI Reading Leaders Meeting (LD/KF)

am HT at ICT Meeting (City Square)
All Saints Day – Mass in church at 9.30am
11.30 HT / Taletta Jamieson, Mrs Mulholland re Parent Councils
1.15 P7 St Paul’s Art Project (in school)
No House Time – from now on, House Time will be monthly, on second Friday of each month.

What’s On………..w/b 24th June

MONDAY, 24th
9.30 Leavers’ Assembly
2 Closure Mass

9.30 House Challenge
11.30 Announcement of House Champions
12.15 Closure Barbecue lunch and Fun Afternoon

Pupils finish at 12 noon for summer holidays.Closure Afternoon

Closure Day – moving and unpacking
2 HT / Project Board (in new school)

FRIDAY, 28th
Closure Day
12 noon – summer holidays begin for staff

A Great Week……..

Thanks, everyone, for a fantastically successful week, from our Sports, through the marvellous Celebration Shows and P6/7 Drumming Showcase, to our OPen DAy and Exhibition today which drew big crowds. Great work from children, staff and families together – well done!

What’s On…………Week Beginning 17th June

MONDAY, 17th
Miss Flight restarts full time.
10 School Sports (Myrekirk)
pm Show Rehearsal
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting – Working Time Agreement

9.30 P3 / Roots of Empathy Celebration (Menzieshill CC)
1.45 Closure Show part 1

am P1 Induction Visit 2
am teachers meeting new classes
2 HT / Mrs Burns – SfL Review
4 HT / Children’s Hearing
6.30 Closure Show part 2

P1 Visit to Auchingarrich
9 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Pius PS)
1.30 P6/7 Samba Drumming Session
2 HTs Association AGM (Park Place)
2.15 P6/7 Samba Drumming Showcase to whole school and P6/7 Parents

FRIDAY, 21st
Open Day and Exhibition (10-12 and 2-5)

What’s On…. w/b 10th June

MONDAY, 10th
DHT in all day
New P3 and P4 pupils start.
10.15 Target Assembly
11.30 HT / PT Interviews (West End)
pm P6/7 Samba Drumming
3.30 Parents Meetings

DHT in all day.
P7s Induction at High Schools
am HT / Corporate Leadership Conference
1.30 New P1 Induction Meeting
3.30 Parents Meetings

DHT here am only
P7s Induction at High Schools
am P3-6 ‘Social Event at Camperdown Park
4 Furniture ‘Open House’ for other schools

DHT in pm
P7s Induction at High Schools
8.15 HTs Meeting re Staffing (Park Place)
9 P2/3, 3 and 4 visit to Auchingarrich
1.30 New School Local Implementation Group Meeting
2.30 Mrs Burns at St Paul’s SfL Meeting re RWI
4 Staff Read, Write, Inc Familiarisation (Park Place)
5.30 Football Cup Final v St Ninian’s (Elliot Road)

FRIDAY, 14th
DHT here am, SSLM pm.
9.30 Awards Ceremony
1.30 P6/7 Book Gifting