All posts by Mr Macgregor

Path Closure

As the building works reach their end, I’m afraid the the path round the side of the nursery block will have to be closed off from Wednesday, 20th November to Monday, 2nd December. During this period, please use Balgarthno Place / Buttar’s Street outside the school perimeter to get from playground to front door. See attached letter for more details.
Path Closure 131118

What’s On………..Week Beginning 18th November

Inspection Visit Week

MONDAY, 18th
9 Target Assembly
9.30 P2 Student Tutor Visit
12.30 Inspection Team Arrives
1.30 Inspection Scoping Meeting
2 Tutor Visit – P7
1.30 Lay Member meeting Chair of Parent Council
2 Olivia from Young Carers meeting pupil
2.15 Lay Member Meeting Pupil Councillors
2.45 Inspection Briefing for Support Staff
3.30 Inspection Briefing for Teachers

Classroom Visits all day
Miss Forbes with P2
9.00 Lay Member / Parent Focus Group
11 Lead Inspector / Partner Focus Group
11.30 P1 Dental Inspections
1.15 P7 Dental Inspections
3.30 Teachers’ Professional Engagement Meetings with Inspectors

Classroom Visits all day.
Student responsibility in P2
P7 NHS ‘Well Good’ Smoking and Health Workshop – performance at 2.30pm for whole school and P7 parents.
9 – 9.30 Parent Drop In
12.15 Staff ‘Drop in’ with Inspectors for further Professional Discussion
1 Mrs Dammer at Financial Education Training – Miss Mullan with P3
4.15 On Track with Learning Users Group Meeting (HT, Miss Flight)

Possibly Classroom Visits in morning.
11 HT / CP Core Group
3 HT / Director’s Budget meeting

FRIDAY, 22nd
No Assemblies
9.30 HT / Discussion of Inspection Findings
10.45 short Final Briefing for Staff
1.15 P7 / St Paul’s Art Project


Everyone has been working hard preparing to welcome our visitors from Education Scotland this week. Alhough it will be a bit stressful, it’s a chance for everyone, pupils, staff, and families, to show off the strengths of our St Clement’s Community and to receive advice on how we can take things forward in our school. A big thanks to those parents who returned the Questionnaire and those who will attend the Parent Focus Group this week – it’s important to get your views on how things are going. Now…fingers crossed. 🙂


P7 put on an excellent show related to their drama topic, assisted by the Education Officer from Dundee Rep. Parents and fellow pupils loved it, and the class got a mention in a tweet from the Rep! Well done, all. I’m hunting for photos – someone has them – and will post asap.

What’s On………………

9 P4 Tutor Visit
9 Target Assembly
P7 Rep Project using Assembly Hall all day.
am Mrs Fitzpatrick at Maths CPD (Mrs Dashwood with P1F)
11 Two Minutes Silence
1 HT / Child Protection Case Review
1.30 Mrs Fleming / Transition Maths CPD
2.30 HT / Mrs Menzies, QIO – School Attainment Review
2.30 P7 Rep Project Sharing Event – P4, 5, 6 and Parents (Assembly Hall)
3.30 Inspection Preparation

10.45 HT / P5 Class Review
11.30 HT / P4 Class Review
P7 Led Fundraiser – Activity Afternoon
1.15 HT / Mrs Fitzpatrick – PRD and P1F Class Review
1.30 Tutor Visit to P7
2.15 HT / P3 Class Review
3.30 HT / P2 Class Review

9 – 9.30 Parent Drop in
9 HT / Primary HTs Seminar on Supporting Learning
9.15 Educational Psychologist in school
11.30 HT / Meeting with Director
1.15 HT / Mr Malone – Review of NCT Provision
2.15 HT / Mrs McArtney – SfL Review

Staff at :
RWI Training (Balgarthno)
Leadership Training (Menzieshill HS)
First Aid Training (Olympia)
Admin Officers Training

FRIDAY, 15th
Staff at:
RWI Training (Balgarthno)
Creative Learning Workshops (St John’s HS)

Trips and Visits – Thanks!

What a busy two weeks we’ve had, with the Film Festival, the Techfest Science Festival, and the P1 visits to the farm. These learning experiences out of school are hugely beneficial to the children, and a big thanks is due to parents for helping to cover the costs, directly and also indirectly through fundraising. We have another fundraising event in school this Tuesday, a sponsored Activity Afternoon which the children will enjoy and, hopefully, will boost the coffers for future trips and visits.

Inspection Visit

Preparations continue for our visit commencing next Monday. Staff are hard at work sprucing up our lovely new building to look its best. I hope Parents/Carers have managed to complete and return their questionnaires – the more of these go in, the better the picture of the school the Inspectors get. P4-7 pupils did their questionnaires in school last week and tehse have been sent off, along with our evaluation of how we are doing (this was discussed with the Parent Council at their meeting on Thursday past). The Pupil Council will meet with one of the team on the Monday afternoon and Parent Focus groups will be held on the Tuesday morning (you’ll get an invite direct from Education Scotland if you volunteered). The inspectors will mainly be in classes and working with groups of children on Tuesday and Wednesday, and we’ll get some feedback on results in the Friday. Official notification of the outcome will come in a letter to parents around 10 weeks after the inspection ends. We’re staying positive, and are aiming to demonstrate that St Clement’s is a vibrant and successful learning commmunity and that we know what things we do well and what things we wish and need to do better.

Happy All Saints Day

After the Hallowe’en fun yesterday (some right spooky goings on!) the school attended Mass this morning to celebrate All Saints Day (called All Hallows Day in the past), a time when we remember everyone who has done something special to make the world a better place. I was delighted to hear that three different parishioners had congratulated our staff on how well the children behaved and how beautifully they sang. Sounds like an excuse for a longer playtime on Monday as a reward ………………

Tomorrow (Saturday), of course, is All Souls Day when we remember all our families and friends who have died and pray for the repose of their souls.

What’s On for Week beginning 4th November

Science Festival Week
Andrea Strachan, BED3, with P2; Laura Ferguson, BEd4, with P5

9 Target Assembly
Childsmile Fluoride Varnish
9.30 P6 and P7 ‘Flu Vaccinations
11 Unveiling of playground artwork
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy starts (weekly sessions)
1.45 P1 ‘Bubbles’ @ St Luke’s & St Matthew’s PS
3.30 Teachers Meeting re Inspection

Rugby Coaching during curricular PE
9.15 HT / Parent
2 Facilities Staff meeting @ St John’s HS
2 P6 ‘K’Nex Towers’ @ Gowriehill PS

Tom Renwick Numeracy Day (all sessions in RCT Room)
(all classes)
9 – 9.30 Parent Drop in
9.30 HT / Leadership Group (Dundee House)
11 HT / Mrs Dammer PRD Meeting
11 P4 ‘Science or Magic’ @ St Ninian’s PS
1.15 HT / Miss Flight PRD Meeting
1.45 P2 ‘Bubbles’ @ St Ninian’s PS
3.30 HT/Miss Forbes – Class Review

9 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting @ St Paul’s
9.15 P1S Trip to Rosemount Farm
9.30 Mrs Dashwood / Laura Hagarty, Craigie HS re RWI
10.45 P3 ‘Fire’ @ Rowantree PS
1.15 HT / Miss Nicoll – Class Review
1.30 P7 ‘Universe’ @ Mills Observatory
2 .15 HT / Mrs Fitzpatrick – Class Review
2 P5 ‘The Science Show’ @ St Fergus
6 Parent Council Meeting
7 MHS P6-7 Parents’ Evening

9 Childsmile Fluoride Varnish
9.15 P1F Visit to Rosemount Farm
9.30 Assembly led by P6
10.45 HT / Miss Flight – Class Review
1.30 – 2.30 Monthly House Time
2.15 HT / Miss Smith – Class Review