All posts by Mr Macgregor

What’s On…..

Diary events for week beginning 23rd May:

Work Experience Pupil in school – Freya Griffiths, Grove Academy

MONDAY, 23rd
Mr Malone off today.
am Mrs Cathro and 2 P6s at K’Nex Challenge Final (Fintry P.S.)
9.15 HT / SCSS / Parent re Attendance
10 Woodlea Nursery new P1 children visiting
11.45 HT and DHT / Support Staff Meeting
1.30 Mrs Tavendale, DEPS, in school
2.30 HT / SPACE Review re Pupil

9.15 HT / Ruth McConnachie, Bilingual Pupil Support Service re pupil
11 HT / Mrs McCaffrey from Sidlawview P.S.
1.30 Football – Meikleham Cup (Gussie Park)
3.30 HT / Mental Health Awareness CPD

Music Specialist
Mrs Lucas not in until playtime
9 HT / Attendance Review Group
9.30-10.30 P7 Transition Continental Breakfast at St Paul’s (Miss Anderson with remaining P7s)
1.15 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting
2 DHT / Attendance Management Group Meeting for pupil
2 P7s to St John’s
2.15 P4 Gaelic Football
3.30 Working Group Meetings
4 HT / AHDS Meeting (Queen’s Hotel)

Cash for Kids Non-Uniform Day – Bring a Pound to SchoolPE Specialist
Mrs Daly, Mrs Rice at Building Positive Relationships training (EDS)
11 HT / Menzieshill Cluster Facilities meeting (MHS)
1.30 HT / SCSS Network Meeting for family
2.45 HT / Keith Gibson, KIKO

FRIDAY, 27th
Inservice Training Day – School Closed to Pupils
Mrs Daly, Mrs Rice at Building Positive Relationships training (EDS)

P7 Transition Activities with St Paul’s Academy

P7s transition activities are progressing well and include classwork on an RE topic based around the story of St Paul on the Road to Damascus, an ICT Project using Blogs and Scratch and a literacy unit using the graphic novel of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. These activities are going on in every P7 class in the cluster and will be built on during the June visit and at the start of S1. The children will also visit St Paul’s next Wednesday for a Continental Breakfast in the Modern Languages Department.

What’s on…………….

Efficiency 2 weeks in a row! Here is the diary for the week beginning Monday, 16th May 2011, which is National Walk to School Week:

MONDAY, 16th
10.15 Target Assembly
1.15 HT / Miss Wares re Enable Group
2.15 DHT / Miss Forbes – PRD Meeting
3.30 Teachers CPD – Report Writing
5.30 HT / Children’s Hearing

10 Laura from SPACE
10.30 HT / SCSS / Parent
12 HT / GL Assessments Rep
2 HT / Staffing Meeting with Lina Waghorn (EDS)

Music Specialist
HT / Data Sharing Training
9am P7 Art Workshop with Miss Flynn from St Paul’s
2.15 P4 Gaelic Football
3.30 Football v St Mary’s (Rock Cup) (Lochee Park)

PE Specialist
DHT / Managing Absence Training
10.45 Laura from SPACE
3.45 HT / Mrs Dammer – Cluster ICT Group Update Meeting
3.45 Miss Forbes / Miss Wares – Friends Project Network (EDS)
6.30 P4 Reconciliation (church)

FRIDAY, 20th
Assemblies – Departments
pm P2/3 Storyteller in school
pm P7 pupil to Harris Academy

Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy

So that the goverment can have an idea of how pupils across the country are doing, a survey is undertaken every session. Pupils in P4 and P7 are randomly selected from every school and asked to complete some assessment tasks. These are not marked in schools or linked to individual pupils but give a national picture of attainment. This year, two of our P4s and two P7s are doing SSLN tasks in numeracy. The P7s said they didn’t mind being pictured and blogged hard at work 🙂

What’s on next week……………………

Weekly Diary for week beginning Monday, 9th May:

9.15 HT / Designated Child Protection Officers’ Forum (EDS)
10.15 Target Assembly (DHT)
2.15 DHT / Miss Forbes – Professional Review and Development Meeting

9.15 HT / Primary Head Teachers’ Seminar (EDS)
P5/6D and P5/6F Dundee Travel Active Workshops
1-3 P4/5 Fun Fours Football (Badragon) – Mr Malone has details
1.30 DHT / Risk Assessment Training (EDS)

Mobile Dental Van visiting
Music Specialist
am Miss Forbes / Child Protection Engagement Event (DHT with P5/6F)
pm HT / Child Protection Engagement Event
3 Football v Ardler
3.30 Staff Meeting

Mobile Dental Van visiting
PE Specialist
9.30 HT / Alison Stewart, Primary Mental Health Team
2 Parents Group (After School Club room)
3 Mrs Dashwood / P5-6D Parent
6 Bingo Night!

FRIDAY, 13th
Department Assemblies
Ciaran, P7, Representing Dundee in national football tournament.
11 HT / School Community Support Service Review of attendance levels
pm HT / Joint Action Teams Development Session (EDS)