All posts by Mr Macgregor

What’s On……….

Diary events for week beginning 20th June:

MONDAY, 20th
No Target Assembly
am P1-3 Sports
am Rooms 2 (to 5) and 3 (to 7) moving
am Show Dress Rehearsal
pm P4-7 Sports
1.30 DSM Review (Mrs Daly/HT/Finance Officer)

9.30 Director of Education visiting
10 Susan Duncan, Safeguarder
1.45 P5-7 Show

Music Specialist
am Rooms 9 (to 15), 1 (to 10) and 4 (to 12) moving
1.15 HT / SfL Teachers’ Meeting
3.30 Short Teachers’ Meeting – Working Time Agreement
6.30 P5-7 Show

PE Specialist
1.30 HT / Network meeting
2 Whole School Assembly ledy by P1

FRIDAY, 24th
Health Day (Timetable from DHT)
(Sports Clothes)
11 HT / SCSS Review
Lunchtime Disco (Radio Tay) and Special Lunch
pm HT out – Hillside Prizegiving

Parent Council

Our school Parent Council really needs new recruits – please come along to the meeting on Wednesday, 15th, at 6pm in the school. It will be a short meeting – Mr Macgregor has to be at St John’s by 7 for their prizegiving.

Upcoming Events

Don’t forget 1 – School Sports, Monday 20th (P1-3 morning, P4-7 afternoon), weather dependent, of course.
Don’t forget 2 – P5-7 Show – Tuesday 21st, 1.45pm and Wednesday 22nd, 6.30pm – tickets on sale next week.
Don’t forget 3 – Prizegiving, Monday, 27th, 1.30pm.

P7 Ties

P7 will be sporting a new school tie, after negotiations between Mr Macgregor, the Pupil Council and all our current P6s. This will have a number of benefits, including promoting our seniors’ identity, promoting the wearing of uniform, and practice for High School. Pupils will (hopefully) be presented with their ties at Prizegiving on 27th June).

What’s on………week beginning 13th June

MONDAY, 13th
9.15 HT / P7 Parent
10.15 Target Assembly
10.30 HT / Miss Wares re ENABLe
11 HT / Tayside Contracts Staff
1.30 HT / DEPS Review meeting (Mrs Tavendale)
4-6 Arts and Culture for Excellence Staff Development Event (Discovery Point)
3.45 Director of Education’s Annual Meeting with staff (St Fergus)
3.30 Working group meetings for staff not attending either of above 2 events

Menzieshill HS Induction
am P5/6D at Dundee Picture Book Award Ceremony (Whitehall Theatre)
9.15 HT / Property Staff re summer works
1.30 HT / Joint Action Team meeting (St Andrew’s )
4 HT / Children’s Hearing

Mrs Lucas due back.
Menzieshill Induction, Harris Induction
Music Specialist
P6 Cake and Candy Sale
am P1 Inductions
1.30 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
2.15 P4 Gaelic Football
3 HT / Positive Behaviour Group Meeting (EDS)
6 Parent Council Meeting

THURSDAY, 16th  
Menzieshill Induction, Harris Induction
PE Specialist
? ENABLe Group Trip am
1.15 Laura from SPACE
7 Education Mass (Cathedral)

FRIDAY, 17th
Reports to Parents (hopefully!)
Deadline for Certificate names to HT
Department Assemblies
11 HT / LAAC Review (Whitfield SW)
12 Network Meeting in school
2 HT / Primary HTs Association Meeting

New School

A Newsletter detailing the summer works and what they will mean for us for next session (school access, playgrounds, intervals, classrooms) will be issued next week – watch this space for a copy.

Summer Trips

All classes had great fun and learned loads on their trips this week to Edinburgh Zoo (P1), Blair Drummond Safari Park (P2-4) and Edinburgh Dungeon (P5-7). Every youngster (and adult!) behaved really well and everyone was a credit to the school – well done. Photos soon – once the teachers find the download cables! 🙂

Open Sessions

With part of the building to be demolished in July to allow construction of our new school, we’ll be ‘Open’ on the afternoon and evening of our P5-7 Show (Tuesday, 21st in the afternoon and Wednesday, 22nd in the evening) to anyone who wishes to come for a last look at the fully intact St Clement’s. All past pupils, staff, friends, etc will be very welcome (please come to the Show as well – it will be great!). We’ll dig out some old photos as well, for nostalgia’s sake. 🙂