Congratulations to Catherine Stinson, a winner in the 2012 SCARF Energy Efficiency Calendar Competition. Catherine will travel to Edinburgh to receive her prize at the Scottish Parliament later this month. Success for St Clement’s!
All posts by Mr Macgregor
Hallowe’en / The Feast of All Saints
Great fun today, some great costumes, photos soon.
Tomorrow we celebrate the Feast of All Saints including attending Mass at 9.30am in the church. Please come along if you can – it’s a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics, which means that we should all attend Mass to pray for all the Saints of the Church, past, present and future.
Don’t forget………
Quiz Night this Wednesday, 6.30pm in school, fun for all the family, all very welcome. Can you beat the Teachers’ Team??
What’s On for Week Beginning 31st October.
Science Festival Week
BEd3 Student with P3T until 25/11
Work Experience – Chloe Thompson, St John’s
MONDAY, 31st October
Hallowe’en Parties as arranged
am P4 Science Festival visit
am Linda Lennon, DEPS, in school – meeting with Mrs Burns
10.15 Target Assembly
12.45 P5/6F and 7 to Dundee Film Festival
pm HT / St Andrew’s Extended Review Focus Groups
3.30 Teachers Working Group Meetings
Feast of All Saints – Mass in Church at 9.30
11 P5/6M to Dundee Film Festival
11.30 HT / Miss Black – Absence Review Meeting
1.45 P7 / Science Festival (Charleston Primary)
3.30 CPD – Mind Yer Heid (joint with Lochee and Charleston) in St Clement’s
4 HT / Copyright CPD (EDS)
4 Dundee Primary Football Select Trials (Dawson Park)
10 P1, 1/2, 2 to Dundee Film Festival
2 HT / Primary HTs Seminar (EDS)
3.30 HT / Dundee Primary HTs Meeting
6 Parent Council Meeting
6.30 Parent Council Quiz Night
PE Specialist
9.30 HT / Teacher Absence Review Meeting
10.30 School Nurse / Pupil Medical
11 HT / School Health Review
1.30 HT / SfL Post Interviews (in school)
4 DSFA Trials part 2 (Dawson Park)
9.30 Assembly led by P5/6M
10 HT / St Andrew’s Extended Review Team Meeting (EDS)
1.30 House Time
Magic Show
Attached a letter about a charity Magic Show in school soon, and a couple of dates to remember.
Magic Show 27th October 2011
Jeans for Genes
A cheque for £159 has been sent to this charity from our non-uniform day at the end of term. Thanks to everyone for contributing. Check out their work on
New Term – Week 1 – What’s On
MONDAY, 24th October
New Term
9.30 HT / JAT Meeting (St Andrew’s Primary)
11.30 HT / Menzieshill Cluster Property Meeting
1.30 Target Assembly
1.45 HT / DHT Planning Meeting
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting
am HT / St Andrew’s Primary Extended Review Class Visits
1.30 HT / Miss Forbes – SPACE Project Pupil Review (Dryburgh)
4 HT / AHDS Working Group (Park Place)
8.45 HT / Dundee Primary Heads Exec Meeting (EDS)
Bilingual Pupil Support (Wednesday mornings from now on)
pm HT / St Andrew’s Primary Extended Review Meeting
5.15 Case Review – Barnardo’s Polepark
7 Mass for Staff in Catholic Schools (Lawside Convent)
PE Specialist
Miss Moonie and Mrs Dashwood at CALM Training
9.30 P3s to Dundee Film Festival (DCA)
9.30 HT / 3.30 HT / Personnel Meeting
2 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
FRIDAY, 28th
Department Assemblies
Miss Moonie and Mrs Dashwood at CALM Training
10.30 HT / St Andrew’s Class Visit
1pm P4 to Dundee Film Festival
1.30 – 2.15 House Time
3.30 HT / Personnel Meeting
Pupil Council 2011-2012
Some reminders……………
THANKS to the many who came to our Parents/Carers Evenings this week – over 95% of our children had someone able to come along, an excellent turnout.
REMINDER: We are ‘Open’ to all tomorrow (Thursday, 6th) afternoon – all Parents/Carers are welcome to visit the school to see the classrooms ‘in action’, etc. We’ll start with the Parent Council AGM at 1.30 in the Assembly Hall (this will be a short but important get together – we really need more parents/carers to put their hands up and volunteer to help out with all the things we’ve got going on, so please give this some thought!) followed by the chance to see what’s going on around the school. A cup of tea will be available from 2.30 in the Dining Hall. Anyone visiting is welcome to take their youngster home afterwards (as long as you let us know before leaving.)
REMINDER 2: Jeans for Genes Charity Day this Friday – for a small £1, the kids can wear their jeans/own clothes to support a very worthwhile cause (more info at
REMINDER 3: Holidays at 3.15 on Friday for two weeks. 🙂