All posts by Mr Macgregor

What’s on for Week Beginning 27th February 2012

MONDAY, 27th
9 DHT / Enrolment of new P4 pupil
9.30 HT / Joint Action Team Meeting (St Andrew’s Primary)
9.30 P4 Table Tennis Taster
10.15 Target Assembly
10.45 P7 Table Tennis Taster
1.45 P7 Cluster Ceilidh at St Paul’s
3.30 CPD – ABLe Workshop

P1 and P7 Dental Inspections
P2-4 Fissure Sealant Check
9 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)
3.30 HT / Leadership Group (Dundee House)
4 Mrs Thomson – Catholic Teachers’ CPD (Pastoral Centre)

P1 and P7 Dental Inspections
P2-4 Fissure Sealant Check
Music Specialist
9.30 HT / Mrs Daly / Finance Officer – School Finance Review
10 Social Workers visiting P3 and P6 pupils
11.30 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (P2 pupil) (Charleston C&FC)
1.45 Mrs Bromage, St Paul’s – Leng Medal Final
2 HT / JAT Development Workshop (Music Centre)
4 Mrs Fleming / Cluster NAR Group

PE and Music Specialists am only
am Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school
6.30 HT / Lochee Regeneration Forum AGM (Menzieshill CC)

Department Assemblies
10 HT / Profiling Group (EDS)
2 HT / Dundee Association of HTs Meeting (EDS)
3 Football v Sidlaw View (Myrekirk)

Parking in Buttar’s Street

There have been recent issues with parents parking on the zigzag lines at Buttar’s Street at both ends of the school day when dropping off or collecting their children. This is very dangerous because it makes it difficult for children to cross the road safely. Mr Macgregor will be monitoring and will be asking the police to help discourage this very selfish behaviour.

What’s On………..Week Beginning 20th February 2012

MONDAY, 20th
10.15 Target Assembly
9.30 P4 Table Tennis Taster
10.45 P7 Table Tennis Taster
2.30 HT / Capital Projects re new school (City Square)
3.30 Teachers Working Group Meetings

9 P1-5 Childsmile fluoride varnish treatments
9.30 HT / Kris Brash re Active Schools
1.30 HT / Catholic HTs Meeting
6 DHT / P4 Parents – Sacraments Meeting

Ash Wednesday
Music Specialist am only
9.30 Ashes Service in church
4.15 HT / Getting it Right for Young Carers CPD

Music Specialist all day (pm swapped from Weds for show)
PE Specialist am
9.30 HT / Mrs Daly – School Finance Meeting
2.30 P5/6 Musical
6.30 P5/6 Musical

FRIDAY, 24th
Department Assemblies
9.30 P2 (all) Class Mass in church
9.30 DHT / CP Core Group (Charleston Child and Family Centre)

SUNDAY, 26th
P4 Rite of Enrolment for Confirmation

What’s on for Week Beginning 13th February….

Catholic Education Week

MONDAY, 13th

P4-6 K’Nex Challenge
9.15 HT / CP Case Conference – (Seymour House)
2 HT / Local Implementation Group for new school (Lochee Primary School)

Music Specialist
Mrs Lucas on course.
9 HT / PPR Review Group (EDS)
1.30 HT / Section 70 Review
4 HT / AHDS Meeting
4 DHT / Children’s Hearing

PE Specialist am
Music Specialist am
am Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school
3.45 Mrs Burns / Cluster ABLe Group (St Luke’s and St Matthew’s)

FRIDAY, 17th
9.30 Assembly led by P4
10.30 HT / Alex Cooper re Outdoor Education opportunities
12 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (Seymour House)

SUNDAY, 19th
Catholic Education Sunday

Scottish Country Dancing

A big thank you to our P5s, P6s and P7s for representing the school so well at St Andrew’s P.S. today. A great time was had, and the adults were very proud of the skills on show and how smart the children looked. Thanks to Dundee City Council’s Active Schools Team for organising this great event.