All posts by Mr Macgregor

Your Parent Council needs You!

Our school Parent/Council is now down to a very small band of parents (3 to be exact), and our Chair will be moving on soon. We really value the support parents can give us in this way. If you think you could offer something, eg helping to organise events, representing parents views (for example about the new school) please contact the School Office. We know that parents do support us in so many ways, but we are always striving to improve these links and having a vibrant, thriving Parent Council could help. Please………………………..

Head Lice

It’s so important that Parents/Carers check their children’s heads on a regular basis and treat when necessary. This is a perennial problem in all schools and is best kept at bay by being vigilant. If we notice anything in school, we contact the relevant parent/carer, but head checks are not carried out in school (as was done years ago) and standard letters are not issued to classes/groups, on the advice of the NHS.

What’s On for week beginning

MONDAY, 12th
Miss Flight – Smartboard training
9.30 HT / Joint Action Team Meeting (St Andrew’s PS)
10 DHT/Mrs Rice EPDR Meeting
No Target Assembly
pm HT / ICT Refresh Seminar
3.30 CPD – Writing Moderation
After school – Basketball Festival

P2-4 Fissure Sealants
9.15 HT / Child Protection Officers’ Forum (EDS)
1.30 P3 Physical Literacy Heights and Weights
1.30 HT / School Health Review (Mrs Burke, School Nurse)

Mr E. Malone not in
No P6 swimming
P2-4 Fissure Sealants
Music Specialist
11 HT / Site Meeting re new school

Music Specialist am only
PE Specialist am only
11.15 St Paul’s DHT visiting P7
1.15 HT / Miss Nicoll Professional Discussion

FRIDAY, 16th
Mr E. Malone not in – annual leave
Healthy Friday (events tbc)
9.15 Active Assembly, including Zumba slot
11 HT / Mr Brash – Active Schools Review
1.30 HT / New School Parking LIG Sub Group

New Dates……….

P1-3 will be attending a performance of Aesop’s Fables in the afternoon of 30th March at the new Gardyne Theatre (not the morning as we thought we had booked!). This means that P2’s Assembly will revert to its original date of 30th March at 9.30am.

What’s On…………….for week beginning 5th March

am Table Tennis tasters as last week
9.30 HT / Miss Forbes (Professional Discussion)
10.15 Target Assembly
11 HT / Pupil Council
11 DHT / Miss Gray (Professional Discussion)
1.30 HT / SCSS Review
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

9.00 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
9 P7 National Entitlement Card Photographs
1.30 HT / Incident Investigation Training
1.30 School Nurse / P7 Girls Growth and Development
pm Mrs Thompson – CALM Reaccreditation

Music Specialist
P3 Mothers Day Sale
11 HT / Mrs Dammer (Professional Discussion)
1.30 DHT / Road Safety CPD
2 HT plus 2 P7s / Peer Education Event (Ardler Complex)
pm Dundee Primary Table Tennis Championships
3.30 DHT & Mrs Thomson – Barnardo’s Review

Music Specialist am only
PE Specialist am only
9.30 HT / Mrs Thomson (Professional Discussion)
11 HT / Miss Mullen (Professional Discussion)
1.30 Stuart Ivens, St Paul’s SfL, with P7 pupils (Enhanced Transition)
3 Football v St Pius (Myrekirk)
4 HT / Parents Meeting at St John’s

Department Assemblies (DHT)
9.15 HT / HTs Seminar (St John’s HS)
1.15 HT / Karen Dammer re HE curriculum
2.15 HT / Miss Flight (Professional Discussion)

2 P6 Pupils at Space School

Vehicle Access

Please don’t use the vehicle gate and car park driveway if you’re walking. The width of this area and the restricted view corner into the car park make it unsafe for pedestrians, especially children. If you’re approaching on foot from the north west of the school, please walk along Balgarthno Place to the footpath then round into the playground via the ‘new gate.’ This is a bit longer, we know, but it’s a lot safer. Separating pedestrians from vehicles is an important safety principle. Please remember that the car park is for staff and visitors only and is not suitable for dropping off children at school. Again, this is a safety issue.

Dogs in the Playground

Please remember that dogs are not allowed in the school playground, even if they are on a lead. We have a number of children who are scared of dogs and some who have had bad experiences, so please respect their feelings by leaving your dog at home when dropping off/collecting your child or visiting for any reasons.