All posts by Mr Macgregor

What’s On…..w/b 30th April 2012

MONDAY, 30th
9.30 HT/Mrs Thompson – Planning Meeting for pupil (Armitstead)
10 Target Assembly (DHT)
1.30 HT / Mr Malone / Mrs Sinclair, St John’s DHT at re Transition (meeting pupils, too).
3.45 CPD – Espresso Education (at Ss Peter and Paul’s)

9.30 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
10 DHT / Mrs Cathro – EPDR Meeting

am Author visit (Stuart Reid) – 9.30 P4-7, 11 P1-3 (Assembly Hall)
1.30 HT / Pupil LAC Review (Claverhouse) then Dundee Association of Primary HTs Meeting (EDS)
2.30 DHT / Child Protection Core Group Meeting (Charleston Family Centre)
6 Parent Council Meeting

am HT / Mr Malone / Mrs Dashwood – P7 Enhanced Transition Meetings (in school)

9.30 Assembly led by P1/2
10 Mrs Thompson visiting new pupil at Frances Wright Pre-School Centre
2.15 P4 Dundee Games Practice

What’s On………w/b 23/4/12

MONDAY, 23rd
9.30 HT / Joint Action Team Meeting (St Andrew’s P.S.)
10.15 Target Assembly (DHT)
11 HT / Cluster Property Meeting (MHS)
1.30 HT / Assessment-Recording-Reporting Group (EDS)
3.30 Working Group Meetings – target setting for this term

9 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s Academy)
11 HT / Mrs Thomson / Physical Literacy Project review
pm Miss Nicoll and Miss Moonie at Maths CPD
Miss Black not in pm.
3.30 HT / Education Department Leadership Group (Dundee House)
4 Mr J Malone – Girls Football Committee Meeting

Mrs Thompson at NVCI training.
9.15 HT / New P1 Transition Meeting (Frances Wright Preschool Centre)
11 HT / CP Core Group meeting (Charleston Family Centre)
11 Antonia Panetta, SW, meeting pupil in school
2 HT / Pupil Progress Record Review group (EDS)
3.30 Basketball Area Final (Lynch Centre)

Mrs Thompson at NVCI training.
9.30 HT / Risk Assessment Training (EDS)
1.30 HT / SCSS Review
4 HT / Self Evaluation CPD (EDS)

FRIDAY, 27th
Healthy Friday
No Assembly.
11 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (Menzieshill HS)
2.15 P4 Dundee Games Practice

Sport Relief

P4-7’s physical efforts last week have so far raised over £400, with more sponsor money still to come. This is a fantastic effort, thanks and very well done to everyone. Please send any more monies to the school office by tomorrow (Friday).

Easter Fair

Great effort from all our Houses at our first-ever Easter Fair enterprise. Almost £400 raised, but, more importantly, lots of cooperative and enterprising learning has taken place across the school. Thanks, everyone, including parents/carers who came along.

What’s on…………last week of term, week beginning 26th March

MONDAY, 26th
P1/2 Botanic Gardens visit
9.30 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (Charleston C&FC)
No Target Assembly
pm P1 visit to the Church
3.30 Working Group Review Meetings
3.45 HT / Miss Gray HT of MHS

9am HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
11.45 P1 trip to Camperdown Park
1.30 DHT / Network Meeting(Charleston C&FC)
2 HT / Miss Lawrence – new school Local Implementation Group meeting (Charleston PS)
3.30 Mr Malone / Scratch CPD (St Paul’s)
4 Mrs Fleming / Catholic Schools CPD (Pastoral Centre)

Music Specialist
1.15 HT / Miss Moonie – Professional Discussion
3 HT / Children’s Hearing – P2 pupil
3.45 HT / Local Practitioners’ Forum (Menzieshill CC)

am Easter Fair
am only PE and Music Specialist
(Mr Cameron’s/Miss Dursunovic’s final morning with us)
9.30 HT/ CP Core Group Meeting (M’hill SW)
pm House Challenge
1.15 HT / Miss Smith – Professional Discussion
3.30 HT / Ed. Dept. Leadership Group (Dundee House)

FRIDAY, 30th
Own Clothes Day – Bring £1 to Work for Cash for Kids
P5/6 Trip to Amazonia
9.30 Assembly led by P2
12 HT / LAAC Review (Whitfield SWD)
12.50 P1-3 to Gardyne Road – Aesop’s Fables
Term ends at 3.15pm.

Fantastic Efforts!

Very well done this week to –
1. Our Cross Country Team who did so well at Baxter Park in the Primary Cross Country Championships
2. Our Swimming team who competed really well in the St Paul’s Cluster Gala yesterday.
3. All of our P4-7s and teachers who ran a mile for Sport Relief at Myrekirk Park on Friday afternoon.
Brilliant, everyone – we’re very proud of you!

What’s On……..for Week Beginning 19th March

New School Construction Starts

MONDAY, 19th
P5/6M student teacher starts
9 P4 Tutor visit
10.15 Target Assembly
am DEPS visit
11 HT / PPR Review Group (EDS)
1.15 HT / Mrs Lucas Professional Discussion
3.30 Parents Evening

P1-7 Hockey Tasters
9.15 HT / Pupil Safeguarder
9.45 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)
3.30 Parents Evening

Music Specialist
am P6-7 Cross Country Championships (HT and Mr J. Malone)
2.30 HT / Catholic HTs Meeting
3 DHT / Children’s Hearing

Music Specialist am only
PE Specialist am only
11 HT / Sara-Jayne McBride, SCSS
12 HT / Gordon Herron, Espresso Education
1.45 Cluster Swimming Gala (St Paul’s)
3 HTs Meeting with Director (EDS)
3.30 Mrs Dammer – Tennis Coaching course

FRIDAY, 23rd
Department Assemblies – Mansell Safety Talks
9.15 P1-3
9.45 P4-7