All posts by Mr Macgregor

Sports Day

Weather permitting, the school Sports will go ahead this FRIDAY, 15th JUNE, at Myrekirk, starting at 10am. All classes are together this year, as we’re having an Olympic themed event with our Houses as the teams. Mr Malone and the rest of the teachers have put together a full programme and it should be a fun morning.

What’s On……w/b 11th June 2012

MONDAY, 11th
Monifieth HS Induction all week.
P3L Trip to Rosemount Farm
10.15 Target Assembly
2 HT / PPR Review Group (EDS)
3.30 Teachers Working Groups – Summary of Progress

P7 Induction at St Paul’s
9.30 HT / Mrs Thomson – PRD Discussion
11.15 HT / CP Case Conference (Seymour House)
1.30 New P1 Induction
2.00 Cluster HTs Meeting

P7 Induction at St Paul’s / Harris
9.30 HT / Miss Black – EPDR Meeting
9.30 DHT / Miss Nicoll – PRD Meeting
11.30 HT / Children’s Hearing
1.30 HT / Pupil Council
1.30 DHT / Miss Smith – PRD Meeting
2.30 DHT / Mrs Dashwood – PRD Meeting
7 HT / St Paul’s Concert

P7 Induction at St Paul’s / Harris
am New P1 Induction Morning
9.30 HT Seminar on Cooperative Learning
10 DHT / Mrs Cathro – EPDR Meeting
2.00 HT to Hayshead Primary, Arbroath
2.30 P5/6 Special Assembly
7 Education Mass – St Andrew’s Cathedral

FRIDAY, 15th
Reports to Parents
Healthy Friday and Sports Day
No Assemblies
am Sports @ Myrekirk
pm P1 Visit to Hutton Institute, I/gowrie
pm Miss Douglas, NQT, visiting

P6 Space School

What’s On………w/b 4/6/12



St John’s HS Induction
am HT / Class Visits – P2 and P3T
2 HT / Catholic HTs Meeting (Blairgowrie)
6 Rock Cup Final (Elliot Road)
7 St Paul’s Show

St John’s HS Induction
8.30 HT / Corporate Leadership Event (West Park)
9.45 P5/6M / Dundee Picture Book Awards Ceremony
P3T visit to Rosemount Farm
1.15 HT / Class Visit – NCT
2 HT / New School Local Implementation Group (St Clement’s, Assembly Hall)
3.30 HT / SIP Software CPD (EDS)
7 St Paul’s Show

St John’s HS Induction
9.30 P4 Dundee Games (Caird Park)
9.30 P7 RCIC Mass in church.
Department Assemblies

What’s On…………………….w-b 28/05/12

MONDAY, 28th
am HT / Class Visits – P1 and ICT
10.15 Target Assembly
11 P7 Girls Health talk
12.15 Miss Lawrence out
2.30 HT / Mrs S. Thomson – Barnardo’s Pupil Review

9.30 Cluster HTs Meeting
9.30 Mrs Cathro / K’Nex Final (Craigowl PS)
11.30 HT / Chldren’s Hearing
1.15 P1/2 Student Tutor Visit
1.30 New P1 visiting Nurture Class

am Primary Athletics Championships (Caird Park)
am HT / New School Colour Strategy Meeting
pm Mr Malone, Miss Moonie – Numeracy CPD
4 HT / Children’s Hearing

9.30 HT / Mrs Daly – Internal Finance Meeting
10 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (MHS)
1.30 Cluster Projects Sharing Event (EDS)
pm Mrs Fleming at Cluster event
3.45 Girls Football v Lochee PS

Report Data Entry Complete
9.30 Assembly led by P1
10 HT / Profiling Group (EDS)

Sunday, 3rd June
11 P4 First Holy Communion

What’s On……….Week Beginning 21st May 2012

MONDAY, 21st
9.30 HT / Joint Action Team (St Andrew’s Primary)
10.15 Target Assembly (DHT)
1.30 HT / Assessment, Recording, Reporting Group meeting (EDS)
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

am St Paul’s Staff Information Gathering visit to P7
2 New School Local Implementation Group Meeting (in St Clement’s)
4 Catholic Schools’ Teachers CPD

9 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)
10 Construction Committee Site Visit
10.45 Claire Foster, SWD, meeting pupil
pm HT / Class Visits – P7 and P5/6F
4 HT / AGM of Association of Heads and Deputes in Scotland (AHDS) Dundee Branch.

am Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school
9.15 and 11 – Enhanced Transition Meetings for 2 P7 pupils
pm HT / Class Visits – P5/6M and P4
3 Girls Football (Myrekirk)
3.45 Boys Football (Myrekirk)
6 P4 Reconciliation (church)

FRIDAY, 25th
INSET Day 5 – School Closed to Pupils – School Improvement Planning activities for staff.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Workshops

P7, P2 and P1 all enjoyed superb workshop activities with musicians from the SCO this week, and put on performances enjoyed by the other pupils and parents/carers alike. These workshops provide great creative, expressive learning opportunities and it’s great to be able to put some of the funds raised through our various ventures to such good use.

What’s On……week beginning Monday, 14th May

MONDAY, 14th
New P5/6M Pupil starts
10.15 Target Assembly
11 HT / SCSS / Parent
2 ICT Strategy Group Meeting (EDS)
2 DHT / Children’s Hearing
3.30 End of Session Report Writing
4 HT / Self Evaluation CPD (EDS)

P7 Scottish Chamber Orchestra Workshop (Ass. Hall)
9 School Nurse / Pupil Carer
10 – 11.30 Miss Forbes, Mrs Clark, P5 Golf (Camperdown)
2.30 DHT / Miss Forbes – PRD Meeting
3-5 Meikleham Cup Football (Gussie Park)
4 HT / Mrs Dammer – BTC4 Workshop (EDS)
7 Parents Technology Safety Event (EDS)

am HT / New School Colour Meeting (City Square)
1.30 HT / Cluster Project Leads Meeting (EDS)
2 DHT / Children’s Hearing for P5 Pupil
3.45 Girls Football v Hillside (at Hillside)

SCO Bear Hunt – am P2, pm P1 (Assembly Hall)
9 HT / Director’s Meeting (EDS)
9.30 Ascension Thursday Mass (church)
9.30 – 11.30 P6 Cycling (Miss Mullan/Mrs Cathro)
1.30 Mrs Burns / ABLe Champions Meeting
2 Mr J. Malone / Mrs Mannion, St Paul’s English Dept
2 HT / SCSS Meeting

FRIDAY, 18th
9.30 P3L Assembly
9.30 and 1.30 Mrs Thompson to Charleston Nursery
10 HT / Profiling Group (EDS)
pm P7 Survival Skills Workshop
pm HT / Site Visit
pm Banks Trophy football.
2.30 Mrs Thompson to Little People Nursery

Space School for 2 P6 Pupils

What’s On……….w/b 7th May 2012


9 – 4 HTs School Improvement Seminar
10 Claire from Dundee Women’s Aid
10.15 Target Assembly (DHT)
1 – 3 Miss Mullan, Mrs Cathro, P5 Olympic Games at Menzieshill HS

Brass Instructor in
9.15 HT / SCSS Attendance Meeting
10.00 HT / SCSS Attendance Meeting
11 HT / Miss Mullan – Network Meeting
3.45 Football v St Ninian’s (Myrekirk)
4 Miss Flight / ICT Coordinators Meeting (EDS)
4.30 – 6 HT / DCD Awareness Training (Armitstead)

9.15 HT / CP Case Conference fo (Seymour House)
9.30 – 11.30 P6 Cycling (details from Mr Brash soon)
10.30 HT / Mentors’ Meeting (Dundee House)
pm P7 Enhanced Transition Group to St Paul’s with Mr Malone
pm P7 Pupil Enhanced Transition visit to St John’s
3.45 Girls Football v Charleston (Myrekirk)
6.30 Miss Smith / Red House Book sale at Park Place PS.

FRIDAY, 11th
8 HT / Chief Executive’s Breakfast Meeting
St John’s Science Day for 4 P7 pupils
P3 Class Mass in church
Department Assemblies
pm Mrs Thompson Nursery Visit
pm HT / New School Site Visit

SUNDAY, 13th
11 P4 Sacrament of Confirmation