All posts by Mr Macgregor

What’s ON…..Week Beginning 24th September

MONDAY, 24th
SCARF Calendar entries to HT
DHT out
Mrs Fitzpatrick at Cooperative Learning Training
9 P1-6 Childsmile Fluoride Varnishing
10.15 Target Assembly
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting
6 P6-7 Parents’ Meeting with Mr Carroll

Mrs Fitzpatrick at Cooperative Learning Training
9.30 HT / New School Finance Meeting (Park Place)
9.30 Mrs Dammer PRD (DHT)
2.30 Mrs Ferry, Acting Education Manager, visiting
7 St Clement’s Parish Jubilee Mass with buffet in school afterwards

am Mr Kinnear not in.
9 – 9.30 Parents Drop in
HT / On Track with Learning Training (EDS)
12 Miss Mullan / LAAC review for P7 pupil (Whitfield SW)
1.30 P7 Creative Approaches
3 HT / Catholic HTs meeting (Pastoral Centre)

Mr E Malone Annual Leave
HT / Tayside HTs Conference (Apex)
Charlene Shaw, BEd2, pre-visit to P6/7F (Thurs and Fri).
am DEPS visit

FRIDAY, 28th
Mr E Malone Annual Leave.
P7/S1 Transition Materials to St Paul’s
Teacher Self Evaluations due.
9.30 P4 Assembly
10.15 HT out
1.30 HT / Clare Hale, Pearson, re Heinemann Active Maths

SUNDAY, 30th
Miss Flight / Cooperative Learning Training

What’s On….week beginning 17th September

Pupil Council Election Week

MONDAY, 17th
9 Tempest Photographer (Individuals/Family Groups)
No Target Assembly
1 JRSO Induction (Jack, Morven) (Baluniefield)
3.30 Collegiate CPD – ICT

Pupil Council Nominations to HT
HT / On Track with Learning Training (EDS)
P2/3 visit to Rosemount Farm
(Miss Flight, Mrs Burns)
P6s visit to Pitlochry
(Miss Mullan, Mrs Cathro)
9.15 DHT / DCPO Forum (EDS)
3 HT / Starchamber Budget Group
3.15 Dundee FC Football Starts
3.45 Primary Select Football Trials (Gussie Park)

Pupil Council Speech Day
9 – 9.30 Parents Drop in
9.30 HT / Miss Flight, PRD
1.30 HT / Accommodation Review Group (City Square)
3.00 HT / PPR Review Group (EDS)

9.30 HT / CP Core Group (Lochee FC)
11 Pupil Council Elections
1.30 P4-7 Masai Warriors Dance Group (joint with Camperdown PS)
3.45 Primary Select Football Trials (Gussie Park)

FRIDAY, 21st
Class Blog Set Up Deadline
9.30 P5 Assembly
10.15 HT out

10 Menzieshill HS Football Festival

SUNDAY, 23rd
Mrs Fitzpatrick / Cooperative Learning Training

What’s On…………………Week Beginning 10th September

MONDAY, 10th
10.15 Target Assembly
3.30 Working Group Meetings
4 HT Website CPD

P7s to Glenshee (Miss Forbes, Miss Mullan, Mr Malone)
P5 Visit to Rosemount Farm (Mrs Dammer, Mrs Dashwood)
10 HT / Menzieshill HS Extended Review Focus Group
3 HT / Children’s Hearing

9-9.30 Parents Drop in
9 HTs Meeting with Director
2 HT / SfL Meeting
6 Camperdown Primary Parents Meeting in Assembly Hall.

9.15 HT / HTs Open Voice Event (EDS)
am Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school
2.30 HT / Morag Cooney, QIO
6 Parent Council Meeting

FRIDAY, 14th
No Assemblies
P2 Visit to Rosemount Farm
(Miss Smith, Mrs Thompson)
9.15 HT / New School Project Board (City Square)
9.30 P1 Welcome Mass in church.
3 HT / Placement Planning Group meeting (Dundee House)

Parent Council

The Council’s first meeting of the session will now take place on Thursday, 13th September at 6pm in the school. We really need some more members, so please think about coming along to lend your support to the school. It’s a big year for us, with the new school coming on, and we need to hear what parents/carers think, and their ideas.

Weekly Information – Week Beginning 3rd September

Mr E. Malone on Annual Leave for 2 weeks.
P1s start full time.

Mrs Dammer – Cooperative Learning training
9.15 M&M – Oliver Twist
9.30 Miss Forbes/Parent
1.30 HT / Assessment Group (EDS)
3.30 Working Group Meetings

HT / On Track with Learning training (EDS)
Mrs Dammer – Cooperative Learning training
am Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school

9-9.30 Parents Drop in
10 Construction Committee Site Visit
1 Miss Forbes/Miss Mullan / Kirsty from SPACE re Creative Approaches programme
1.30 HT / Wendy McCafferty, Charleston Family Centre
6 Camperdown Primary Parents Meeting in Assembly Hall.

9.15 HT / CP Case Conference (Seymour House)
1.30 HT / Risk Assessment training

P7 SafeTaysiders Visit (Baluniefield)
(Miss Forbes, Mrs Clark, Mrs Rice)
No Assemblies
9.30 HT / Pupil Profiling Group (EDS)
1.30 HT / SCSS Review

Flower and Food Festival

P5 had a great time at the Festival today, especially watching Asia make her ‘Desperate Danwich’ in the competetion final. Unfortunately she didn’t win, but everyone had a great time. Thanks very much to the Festival organisers – it is fab, as always.

Weekly Bulletin W/b 27th August 2012

MONDAY, 27th
10.15 Target Assembly
2.15 DHT / P5
3.30 Teachers Cooperative Planning

10.30 HT / P7 Parent
10.45 P5s and 6s Brass Demo (Assembly Hall)
pm Miss Flight not in (DHT with P2/3).
2.15 HT / P4

Mrs Rice not in.
pm P7 Creative Approaches
1.15 – 3.15 Miss Nicoll, Mrs Fitzpatrick, HT / Responsive Planning CPD
2 HT / Accommodation Review Group (City Square)
6 Camperdown Primary Parents Meeting in Assembly Hall.

P1 PIPS Assessments complete.
Miss Douglas at EDS all day.
10 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (MHS)
1.15 – 3.15 Miss Nicoll, Mrs Fitzpatrick, HT / Responsive Planning CPD

FRIDAY, 31st
Annual and Medium Term Planning Complete
Last part-day for P1
9.30 Assembly led by P5.
10.15 P5 Visit to Flower and Food Festival
11 School Nurse Medicals
11 HT / Capital Projects staff re playground issues
11.30 HT / Cluster Property Meeting (MHS)
P1 Parents Lunch
pm Mrs Fitzpatrick not in.
1.30 HT / HTs Association Executive (Downfield PS)