All posts by Mr Macgregor

What’s On….week beginning 18th March

P6 INCAS Assessments (ICT Suite)
Arts Festival Week

MONDAY, 18th
Mrs Fleming Keeping in Touch Day
am Arts Festival – solo singers (Beth, Josh) (DHT)
10.20 Target Assembly
9.15 – 10.30 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7F
10.45 – 12.15 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7M
pm Arts Festival – Brass Ensemble (Beth, Bronwen, Nicole) (DHT)
1.30 DEPS Trainee observing in P2
1.30 Mrs Carroll, St Paul’s, / some P7s for Transition Work
2 HT / Demo of new Seemis Attendance module (Dryburgh)
3.30 CPD – Assessment for Excellence (PIPS/INCAS) and Report Writing

am Arts Festival – Choral Group (ST, HT)
9 LAC Nurse meeting pupil and mum.
9.15 – 10.30 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7M
10.45 – 12.15 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7F
10.45 Tutor Visit to P6/7M
1.30 P6/7 Book Giveaway (Moira and Elaine)
3 HT / Meeting re new school Copiers
Evening – Orchestra and Band Concerts @ Caird Hall

am Arts Festival – Violin (Morven) (DHT), Poetry
11 P3 Roots of Empathy
1.15 Rosie Adams, CAMHS, observing in P4
1.15 P6 Swimming
1.30 Schools’ Table Tennis Festival
2 HT / SfL Meeting
3.45 Football v St Pius (a)
Evening – Orchestra and Band Concerts @ Caird Hall

9 P7 National Entitlement Card Photos
9 HT / Director’s Meeting with HTs
am Mrs Burns at Occ. Therapy Training Event (Dudhope)
am Educational Psychologist in school
1.30 HT / St John’s SfL staff
4 HT / On Track User Group (Park Place)

FRIDAY, 22nd
Miss Douglas not in
Department Assemblies
11 DHT / Support Plan Review Meeting
2.15 Football v St Ninian’s (a)

What’s On………..Week Beginning 11th March


MONDAY, 11th
Commonwealth Day – Sport Your Trainers
9.15 – 10.30 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7F
10.45 – 12.15 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7M
10.20 Target Assembly
11 HT / Fiona Scanlan, SCSS
1.30 HT / DHT meeting
3 HT / Meeting re new school copying/printing
3.30 Report Writing

9.15 Support Staff Briefing re staff changes (Assembly Hall)
9.15 – 10.30 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7F
10 HT / Decant Meeting (Assembly Hall)
10.45 – 12.15 Nick Hesketh working with P6/7M

am Primary Cross Country Championships
11 P3 Roots of Empathy
1.30 Open Afternoon
1.30 P6 Swimming

Mrs Fleming KIT Day
Miss Douglas at EDS all day.
8.45 HT / Tayside Contracts Staff re new school
9.30 HT / Sandy Clarke, SCSS.
2 HT / Assessment, Recording, Reporting Working Group (St John’s)

FRIDAY, 15th
Wear Green Day
am HTs Seminar (EDS)
No Assemblies
2.30 Mrs McCready, St Paul’s, visiting P7s

SUNDAY, 17th
Mr Malone at Cooperative Learning training.

Open Afternoon

Our final Open Afternoon of the session takes place next Wednesday, 13th March, from 1.15-3.15. We’re not putting on anything special this time, but parents/carers are very welcome to visit classes to see and to talk about the learning which the children have been doing this term.


Preparation for the reception of the Sacraments is continuing in school. This Sunday, 10th March, sees the Rite of Enrolment ceremony during 10am Mass in St Clement’s church. Recopnciliation will take place on 25th April, Confirmation on 28th April and First Communion on 19th May. Please support our children at these celebrations as they continue on their faith journey.

Bugsy Malone

P5-7 will be presenting the musical show ‘Bugsy Malone’ on 23rd April in the afternoon and 24th April in the evening. This promises to be a fab event – tickets will be on sale soon after the spring holidays.

Breakfast Club News

Firstly, good luck to Miss Lawrnce who is now off on maternity leave. Mrs Rice will be covering Breakfast Club duties until Miss Lawrence returns. Also, the issues which caused late opening on Monday have been resolved for the time being, so things should be back to normal. 🙂