All posts by Mr Macgregor


A big congratulations to Kaisha, Logan, Kali, Nadine, Aimee, Brandon, Keighan, Ryan and Tayler who all received the Holy Spirit at Confirmation at Mass on Sunday. They have now received two of the three Sacraments of Initiation, and we pray that the Holy Spirit within them will guide them towards their reception of Holy Communion in a couple of weeks. Thanks to Mrs Thomson for all the preparation/organisation work, parents/carers and staff who came along to support.

What’s On………..Week Beginning 29th April.

MONDAY, 29th
Miss Smith, Mr Malone at Cooperative Learning training
10.15 Target Assembly
11 HT / Mrs Divers, St John’s, re P7 transfers
1.30 P6-7 Samba Drumming
3.30 Collegiate CPD – On Track with Learning update
6 Parents Q&A session re new school (Lochee PS)

Miss Smith, Mr Malone at Cooperative Learning training
9 Cluster Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)
1.45 P6/7 Bugsy Malone
2.15 Mrs Thomson out
4 Read Write Inc Support Seminar (Music Centre)

11 P3 Roots of Empathy
11 HT / St Paul’s Focus Group
1.30 P6 Swimming
3.45 Football v Camperdown
6 P6-7 Bugsy Malone

12 HT / Justin Mulholland, new Active Schools Coordinator
1.45 P6 Scottish Parliament Peer Education Project with St Paul’s S2
2 HT / Dundee HTs Association Meeting (Park Place)
3.45 Football v St Pius

Mrs McArtney’s last day.
P2-3/4-5 Sponsored Walk
Teacher Self Evaluations Due
Department Assemblies
11 HT / OUP Rep re RWI
1 Fun Fours Football @ Baldragon Academy

New Term – What’s On? for the first week.

Mr E. Malone on holiday until Thursday.

MONDAY, 15th April
New Term
10.15 Target Assembly
1.30 HT / DHT Planning
1.30 – 3.15 P6/7 Samba Drumming (Kenny Carlyle) (Assembly Hall)
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting including Decant Planning

10.30 Children’s Hearing (HT)
11.30 LAC Review (Claverhouse) (DHT)
1.15 Support Staff Meeting

am P6 Cycling
9.30 HT / Profiling Group meeting
10.30 Children’s Hearing (DHT)
11 P3 Roots of Empathy
1.30 P6 Swimming
2 HT / Mrs Dashwood and Mrs Burns – Support Review

9.15 Ed. Psych in school
9.30 Supervision Review (Charleston C&FC)
1.15 New School Local Implementation Group (Charleston)
6 P4 Reconciliation (Church)

FRIDAY, 18th
9.30 New Term Assembly
10.45 P3 Multisports for 6 weeks
11 Pupil Support Review Team Meeting
3.30 Visit to new school (half staff)