What’s On………..Week Beginning 20th February 2012

MONDAY, 20th
10.15 Target Assembly
9.30 P4 Table Tennis Taster
10.45 P7 Table Tennis Taster
2.30 HT / Capital Projects re new school (City Square)
3.30 Teachers Working Group Meetings

9 P1-5 Childsmile fluoride varnish treatments
9.30 HT / Kris Brash re Active Schools
1.30 HT / Catholic HTs Meeting
6 DHT / P4 Parents – Sacraments Meeting

Ash Wednesday
Music Specialist am only
9.30 Ashes Service in church
4.15 HT / Getting it Right for Young Carers CPD

Music Specialist all day (pm swapped from Weds for show)
PE Specialist am
9.30 HT / Mrs Daly – School Finance Meeting
2.30 P5/6 Musical
6.30 P5/6 Musical

FRIDAY, 24th
Department Assemblies
9.30 P2 (all) Class Mass in church
9.30 DHT / CP Core Group (Charleston Child and Family Centre)

SUNDAY, 26th
P4 Rite of Enrolment for Confirmation

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