What’s On……w/b 24th February 2014

MONDAY, 24th
9 Target Assembly
New RWI groupings start
9.15 School Nurse / Parent
11 HT / Property Meeting (CR1)
2.30 HT / Mrs Dashwood PRD
3.30 Working Groups / Cooperative Planning

Miss Lawrence, Mrs Rice, Mrs Daly at Epilepsy Training
9 PT Managing Absence Training (P6 cover tbc)
9 HT / Sport Meeting (CR1)
2.30 Mrs Dashwood visiting St Andrew’s Memories Group

RWI Development Day
Fairtrade Coffee Morning
10 HT, Mrs Daly – Finance Review
1.30 HT, PT, Mrs Dashwood – Pupil Support Review

HT – Cluster HTs Meeting (St Andrew’s)
10.45 P6 Swimming
1.15 P7 Peer Ed
2 HT / Lina Waghorn re Official Opening (Dundee House)
3 PT / Children’s Hearing
3.30 HT / Consultation with Directorate (Dundee House)
4.30 Catholic HTs Meeting (Pastoral Centre)
7 Mass for Catholic School Staff (Lawside Convent)

FRIDAY, 28th
Wave 102 ‘Dress Down for a Pound’ Day
9.30 Assembly led by P3
1.15 P5-7 Scottish Opera singing Workshop (Dance Studio/Assembly Hall)
1.30 P1-4 House Time

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