MONDAY, 27th
Holocaust Memorial Day
8.45 Danny Webster visiting re OTWL
9 Target Assembly
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting (including introduction to ASPIRE project)
am Miss Black and Mrs Clark at Epilepsy training @ Ninewells
9.15 HT / Campus Library Meeting
11.15 Support Staff Meeting
4 Fun in Athletics Final
Andrea Strachan with P2
9.15 Annual School Review (HT and PT)
Whole School SSPCA Talks (Assembly Hall/Classrooms)
11 HT / PT Planning
1.30 HT, PT & Mrs Dashwood / SCSS / Pupil Support Review
1.30 P6 / Dundee Picture Book Award session
3.45 HT / Mrs Fleming / Student Nurses Presentations (Dundee Univ.)
4 PT / Citizenship Coordinators’ Meeting @ Rowantree P.S.
9 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
1.15 St Paul’s staff visiting targeted P7 pupils re transition
1.15 P5 Fun Fit Tayside sessions start (8 weeks)
3 HT / Star Chamber Budget Group (St Andrew’s P.S.)
3.45 Mrs Thomson / Cluster This is Our Faith Group (St Andrew’s)
4.15 HT & Miss Flight / On Track With Learning Users’ Group
6 HT / Academy of Sport Launch (Abertay Univ.)
FRIDAY, 31st
9 PT / P2-3 Parent
9.15 Department Assemblies
11.15 Finance Review (HT/ED)
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy