What’s On………….Week Beginning 10th January 2014

MONDAY, 13th January
9 Target Assembly
9 HT / Aspire Project Planning meeting
11.30 P3 Roots of Empathy resumes
2 HT / Mrs Mulholland / Talletta Jamieson re Parental Involvement
3.30 Cooperative Planning

Miss Lawrence starts back
11 HT / St Paul’s Extended Review Focus Group
1.30 Academy of Sport Meeting
3.30 Fun Fit Tayside CPD

Parent Drop-In
P6 Student Doctors Project
Mrs M. Thomson not in.
Miss Flight – Behaviour Management CPD
9 HT / Primary HTs Seminar
9.15 PT / CP Case Conference
1.30 SfL Review
3.30 HT / Pre Agenda Meeting with Directorate (Dundee House)

P6 Student Doctors Project
Mrs Fleming not in.
1.30 HT / Campus IT Meeting

FRIDAY, 17th
P6 Student Doctors Project
am Department Assemblies
11 HT / Campus Management Meeting
12.30 HT / LAC Review

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