Action Against Bullying

Schools across Dundee have been asked to revise Anti-Bullying Policies and procedures. Attached is an early draft of Action Against Bullying Guidance which I have put together for our school, based upon the Council’s revised Guidelines, which I offer to you for your opinions and suggestions. The Pupil and Parent Councils will be offering suggestions, improvements etc early next term, and we will also hold Pupil and Parent Open Voice events to give everyone a chance to have their say on how we should carry on tackling this very important issue. Bullying is not a major issue in school at present (evidence from Pupil and Parent questionnaires for the inspection suggests that we are successfully dealing with most instances) but instances do still occur and we’d like to reduce this to as close to zero as we can. Please have a look and let us know what you think.
Anti-Bullying Guidance (St Clement’s) 2013

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