What’s On…………Week Beginning 17th June

MONDAY, 17th
Miss Flight restarts full time.
10 School Sports (Myrekirk)
pm Show Rehearsal
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting – Working Time Agreement

9.30 P3 / Roots of Empathy Celebration (Menzieshill CC)
1.45 Closure Show part 1

am P1 Induction Visit 2
am teachers meeting new classes
2 HT / Mrs Burns – SfL Review
4 HT / Children’s Hearing
6.30 Closure Show part 2

P1 Visit to Auchingarrich
9 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Pius PS)
1.30 P6/7 Samba Drumming Session
2 HTs Association AGM (Park Place)
2.15 P6/7 Samba Drumming Showcase to whole school and P6/7 Parents

FRIDAY, 21st
Open Day and Exhibition (10-12 and 2-5)

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