MONDAY, 24th
SCARF Calendar entries to HT
DHT out
Mrs Fitzpatrick at Cooperative Learning Training
9 P1-6 Childsmile Fluoride Varnishing
10.15 Target Assembly
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting
6 P6-7 Parents’ Meeting with Mr Carroll
Mrs Fitzpatrick at Cooperative Learning Training
9.30 HT / New School Finance Meeting (Park Place)
9.30 Mrs Dammer PRD (DHT)
2.30 Mrs Ferry, Acting Education Manager, visiting
7 St Clement’s Parish Jubilee Mass with buffet in school afterwards
am Mr Kinnear not in.
9 – 9.30 Parents Drop in
HT / On Track with Learning Training (EDS)
12 Miss Mullan / LAAC review for P7 pupil (Whitfield SW)
1.30 P7 Creative Approaches
3 HT / Catholic HTs meeting (Pastoral Centre)
Mr E Malone Annual Leave
HT / Tayside HTs Conference (Apex)
Charlene Shaw, BEd2, pre-visit to P6/7F (Thurs and Fri).
am DEPS visit
FRIDAY, 28th
Mr E Malone Annual Leave.
P7/S1 Transition Materials to St Paul’s
Teacher Self Evaluations due.
9.30 P4 Assembly
10.15 HT out
1.30 HT / Clare Hale, Pearson, re Heinemann Active Maths
SUNDAY, 30th
Miss Flight / Cooperative Learning Training