What’s On…………………Week Beginning 10th September

MONDAY, 10th
10.15 Target Assembly
3.30 Working Group Meetings
4 HT Website CPD

P7s to Glenshee (Miss Forbes, Miss Mullan, Mr Malone)
P5 Visit to Rosemount Farm (Mrs Dammer, Mrs Dashwood)
10 HT / Menzieshill HS Extended Review Focus Group
3 HT / Children’s Hearing

9-9.30 Parents Drop in
9 HTs Meeting with Director
2 HT / SfL Meeting
6 Camperdown Primary Parents Meeting in Assembly Hall.

9.15 HT / HTs Open Voice Event (EDS)
am Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school
2.30 HT / Morag Cooney, QIO
6 Parent Council Meeting

FRIDAY, 14th
No Assemblies
P2 Visit to Rosemount Farm
(Miss Smith, Mrs Thompson)
9.15 HT / New School Project Board (City Square)
9.30 P1 Welcome Mass in church.
3 HT / Placement Planning Group meeting (Dundee House)

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