What’s On…………….w/b 25th November

P4 INCAS Assessments

MONDAY, 25th
9 Target Assembly
9.30 HT / Network Meeting (Charleston SW Office)
10.45 P1-7 Playtime
1.15 One World Centre visits – P2 then P6.
1.30 HT / Cluster Business Support Officers’ Induction

9.15 HT / Child Protection Officers’ Forum

Parent Drop-In
Miss Mullan at Cooperative Learning Recall Day
10 HT / Mrs Daly – Finance Review
11 HT / Mrs Daly / Heather Breen, new Cluster Business Support Officer
pm P4-7 to Dundee Stars Event (Dundee Ice Arena)
2 HT / Targeted Transition Meeting for Aug 14 P1

St Andrew’s Ceilidh
10.45 Tutor Visit – P7
6.30pm Parent Council Family Quiz

FRIDAY, 29th
9.30 St Andrew’s Day Assembly – all classes presenting
11 P1-3 Fairytale Theatre Performance (Gym Hall) (with CPS)
1.15 Open Afternoon for Parents

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