What’s On………..Week Beginning 18th November

Inspection Visit Week

MONDAY, 18th
9 Target Assembly
9.30 P2 Student Tutor Visit
12.30 Inspection Team Arrives
1.30 Inspection Scoping Meeting
2 Tutor Visit – P7
1.30 Lay Member meeting Chair of Parent Council
2 Olivia from Young Carers meeting pupil
2.15 Lay Member Meeting Pupil Councillors
2.45 Inspection Briefing for Support Staff
3.30 Inspection Briefing for Teachers

Classroom Visits all day
Miss Forbes with P2
9.00 Lay Member / Parent Focus Group
11 Lead Inspector / Partner Focus Group
11.30 P1 Dental Inspections
1.15 P7 Dental Inspections
3.30 Teachers’ Professional Engagement Meetings with Inspectors

Classroom Visits all day.
Student responsibility in P2
P7 NHS ‘Well Good’ Smoking and Health Workshop – performance at 2.30pm for whole school and P7 parents.
9 – 9.30 Parent Drop In
12.15 Staff ‘Drop in’ with Inspectors for further Professional Discussion
1 Mrs Dammer at Financial Education Training – Miss Mullan with P3
4.15 On Track with Learning Users Group Meeting (HT, Miss Flight)

Possibly Classroom Visits in morning.
11 HT / CP Core Group
3 HT / Director’s Budget meeting

FRIDAY, 22nd
No Assemblies
9.30 HT / Discussion of Inspection Findings
10.45 short Final Briefing for Staff
1.15 P7 / St Paul’s Art Project

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