Inspection Visit

Preparations continue for our visit commencing next Monday. Staff are hard at work sprucing up our lovely new building to look its best. I hope Parents/Carers have managed to complete and return their questionnaires – the more of these go in, the better the picture of the school the Inspectors get. P4-7 pupils did their questionnaires in school last week and tehse have been sent off, along with our evaluation of how we are doing (this was discussed with the Parent Council at their meeting on Thursday past). The Pupil Council will meet with one of the team on the Monday afternoon and Parent Focus groups will be held on the Tuesday morning (you’ll get an invite direct from Education Scotland if you volunteered). The inspectors will mainly be in classes and working with groups of children on Tuesday and Wednesday, and we’ll get some feedback on results in the Friday. Official notification of the outcome will come in a letter to parents around 10 weeks after the inspection ends. We’re staying positive, and are aiming to demonstrate that St Clement’s is a vibrant and successful learning commmunity and that we know what things we do well and what things we wish and need to do better.

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