What’s On…. w/b 10th June

MONDAY, 10th
DHT in all day
New P3 and P4 pupils start.
10.15 Target Assembly
11.30 HT / PT Interviews (West End)
pm P6/7 Samba Drumming
3.30 Parents Meetings

DHT in all day.
P7s Induction at High Schools
am HT / Corporate Leadership Conference
1.30 New P1 Induction Meeting
3.30 Parents Meetings

DHT here am only
P7s Induction at High Schools
am P3-6 ‘Social Event at Camperdown Park
4 Furniture ‘Open House’ for other schools

DHT in pm
P7s Induction at High Schools
8.15 HTs Meeting re Staffing (Park Place)
9 P2/3, 3 and 4 visit to Auchingarrich
1.30 New School Local Implementation Group Meeting
2.30 Mrs Burns at St Paul’s SfL Meeting re RWI
4 Staff Read, Write, Inc Familiarisation (Park Place)
5.30 Football Cup Final v St Ninian’s (Elliot Road)

FRIDAY, 14th
DHT here am, SSLM pm.
9.30 Awards Ceremony
1.30 P6/7 Book Gifting

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