What’s On………..w/b 13th May

Mrs Donnelly, Mrs Dashwood off all week.

MONDAY, 13th
9 New pupil starts in P5.
9.30 HT / Decant Meeting
9.45 DT to Menzieshill Nursery
11 Whole School Photo for Time Capsule
12.05 Target Assembly
1.15 P6/7 Samba Drumming
1.30 DT to Menzieshill Nursery
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

9.30 St Paul’s P7 Art Activity and Info Sharing
9.30 HT / Ruth Miskin Seminar
1.15 Support Staff Meeting
1.30 DT to Woodlea Nursery
3 Meikleham Cup Football (Gussie Park)
3 HT / Budget Group Meeting (Dundee House)

9.30 DT to Charleston Nursery
9.45 P5 Dundee University Careers event visit
11 P3 Roots of Empathy
1 HT / Catholic HTs meeting
1.30 P1 Teddy Bears Hospital visit
2 SfL Meeting
3.45 Football v Ardler

9.30 HT / Opening of West End Campus
11 Author visit to P4
1.30 DT to Charleston Nursery
1.45 P4 to the Rep (HT driving minibus)
6 P4 Inspire Show (all staff cordially invited)

FRIDAY, 17th
8.15 HT / HTs Executive Meeting (Park Place)
9.30 P2 Class Mass in church
10 HT / Lochee Learning Community Meeting (Menzieshill CC)

SUNDAY, 19th
11 P4 First Holy Communion

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