What’s On……Week Beginning 18th February

Back, by popular demand, after some technical issues…………….

MONDAY, 18th
9.30 HT / P5 Parent
10.15 Target Assembly
pm P6/7 Table Tennis
pm Mrs Dashwood at St Andrew’s P.S.
3.30 Working Group Meetings (short staff meeting to start)
6 Parent Council Quiz Night

Mrs Thomson – Cooperative Learning Recall Day
Mrs Fleming with P4
11 P7 Curling

Mrs Dashwood – Cooperative Learning Recall Day
11 P3 Roots of Empathy
pm P6 Swimming
2 HT / Mrs Burns – SfL Meeting
4 HT, Miss Flight – IT Coordinators’ Meeting (Park Place)

Miss Mullan – Cooperative Learning Training
am Miss Douglas at EDS
9.15 Childsmile Team – Varnishing
11 P6/7F iPad training for Dundee Picture Book Award
1.30 HT / New School IT Planning
pm Mrs Burns at St Andrew’s P.S.

FRIDAY, 22nd
Miss Mullan – Cooperative Learning Training
9.15 Childsmile Team – Varnishing
9.30 Assembly led by P2/3

Miss Mullan – Cooperative Learning Training

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