What’s On – Week Beginning 19th November

MONDAY, 19th
9.30 HT / Joint Action Team Meeting (St Andrew’s P.S)
10.15 Target Assembly (DHT)
11 HT / Construction Committee – Newsletter Work (ICT Suite)
1.30 HT/DHT Meeting
3.30 Teachers On Track With Learning Training – Medium Term Plan

9 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)
9.30 Mrs Cathro, Mrs Clark EPDR Meeting with DHT
10 Safeguarder meeting pupil
10.30 HT / Bill Peacock, Student Support Service
2 New School Project Board Meeting (Assembly Hall)

11 HT / Cluster Property Meeting (Menzieshill HS)
11 P3 Roots of Empathy
1.30 HT / Catholic HTs Meeting (St John’s Academy, Perth)

Miss Mullan not in.
9.15 Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school
9.30 Pupil Support Meeting (Mrs Thomson, Mrs Burns, Mrs Lennon)
9.30 HT / Profiling Group (EDS)
10.30 DHT / Network Meeting (Charleston FC)
11 P5 Student Tutor Visit
1.30 HT, Miss Lawrence / Local Implementation Group for new school (Lochee PS)
3 HT / Budget Group Meeting (Dundee House)

FRIDAY, 23rd
9.30 Assembly led by P6/7F11.15 Mrs Burns PRD Meeting with HT
1.30 Mrs Burns, Mrs Thompson – ASPIRE meeting (Kings Cross)

SUNDAY, 25th
Mrs Thomson – Cooperative Learning Training

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