Weekly Bulletin………….w/b 28th October

Work Experience – Brogan Smith, St John’s HS

MONDAY, 29th
10.15 Target Assembly
11.30 HT / St Fergus re Enhanced Transition
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

am Mrs Dashwood and Mrs Burns at INCAS training (EDS)
10 P3 and P5 DCA Visit
11 HT / St Paul’s Extended Review Focus Group
1.30 HT / School Health Review
2.00 Support Staff Meeting
4 Miss Flight and HT / IT Coordinators’ Meeting (Barnhill PS)
7 Mass for Staff in Catholic Schools (Lawside)

11 P3/4 and P4 DCA visit
pm Class Hallowe’en Parties
2 HT / SfL Staff Meeting

Miss Douglas at EDS all day
9.30 Mass in Church for All Saints Day
11 Mrs Daly EPDR meeting with HT
2.15 Mr J. Malone PRD meeting with HT

9.15 Department Assemblies
Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school.
11 P6/7 Bonfire Night Presentation (Tayside Fire and Rescue)
10.15 – 12.45 HT out (personal)
1.30 Mrs Thompson out (personal)
3.15 Boys football v Gowriehill PS (@ GPS)

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