What’s on………..Week Beginning Monday, 25th June

MONDAY, 25th
No Target Assembly
9 DHT / P1-2 Parent
10 HT and Construction Committee – Site Visit
1.30 HT / Menzieshill HS Prizegiving (Caird Hall)
3.30 Teachers’ Personal CPD

9.30 – 10.30 Meet and Greet – new teachers, new classes, in new rooms.
10 HT / Alan from KIKO
11 HT / Child Protection Core Group Meeting (Charleston C&FC)
11 P7 Class Mass (Mgr McCaffrey)
1.30 School Talent Show
2 HT / Child Protection Core Group Meeting (Seymour House)

No KIKO today.
9.30 P7 Leavers’ Assembly
11.30 Mary’s Meals Backpack Collection
1.30 HT / Linda Lennon, DPES – Planning and Review
pm P7 Leavers’ Party

12 noon holidays!
Have a great break!

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