What’s on…………last week of term, week beginning 26th March

MONDAY, 26th
P1/2 Botanic Gardens visit
9.30 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (Charleston C&FC)
No Target Assembly
pm P1 visit to the Church
3.30 Working Group Review Meetings
3.45 HT / Miss Gray HT of MHS

9am HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)
11.45 P1 trip to Camperdown Park
1.30 DHT / Network Meeting(Charleston C&FC)
2 HT / Miss Lawrence – new school Local Implementation Group meeting (Charleston PS)
3.30 Mr Malone / Scratch CPD (St Paul’s)
4 Mrs Fleming / Catholic Schools CPD (Pastoral Centre)

Music Specialist
1.15 HT / Miss Moonie – Professional Discussion
3 HT / Children’s Hearing – P2 pupil
3.45 HT / Local Practitioners’ Forum (Menzieshill CC)

am Easter Fair
am only PE and Music Specialist
(Mr Cameron’s/Miss Dursunovic’s final morning with us)
9.30 HT/ CP Core Group Meeting (M’hill SW)
pm House Challenge
1.15 HT / Miss Smith – Professional Discussion
3.30 HT / Ed. Dept. Leadership Group (Dundee House)

FRIDAY, 30th
Own Clothes Day – Bring £1 to Work for Cash for Kids
P5/6 Trip to Amazonia
9.30 Assembly led by P2
12 HT / LAAC Review (Whitfield SWD)
12.50 P1-3 to Gardyne Road – Aesop’s Fables
Term ends at 3.15pm.

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