What’s On……..for Week Beginning 19th March

New School Construction Starts

MONDAY, 19th
P5/6M student teacher starts
9 P4 Tutor visit
10.15 Target Assembly
am DEPS visit
11 HT / PPR Review Group (EDS)
1.15 HT / Mrs Lucas Professional Discussion
3.30 Parents Evening

P1-7 Hockey Tasters
9.15 HT / Pupil Safeguarder
9.45 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)
3.30 Parents Evening

Music Specialist
am P6-7 Cross Country Championships (HT and Mr J. Malone)
2.30 HT / Catholic HTs Meeting
3 DHT / Children’s Hearing

Music Specialist am only
PE Specialist am only
11 HT / Sara-Jayne McBride, SCSS
12 HT / Gordon Herron, Espresso Education
1.45 Cluster Swimming Gala (St Paul’s)
3 HTs Meeting with Director (EDS)
3.30 Mrs Dammer – Tennis Coaching course

FRIDAY, 23rd
Department Assemblies – Mansell Safety Talks
9.15 P1-3
9.45 P4-7

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