What’s on for Week Beginning 27th February 2012

MONDAY, 27th
9 DHT / Enrolment of new P4 pupil
9.30 HT / Joint Action Team Meeting (St Andrew’s Primary)
9.30 P4 Table Tennis Taster
10.15 Target Assembly
10.45 P7 Table Tennis Taster
1.45 P7 Cluster Ceilidh at St Paul’s
3.30 CPD – ABLe Workshop

P1 and P7 Dental Inspections
P2-4 Fissure Sealant Check
9 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)
3.30 HT / Leadership Group (Dundee House)
4 Mrs Thomson – Catholic Teachers’ CPD (Pastoral Centre)

P1 and P7 Dental Inspections
P2-4 Fissure Sealant Check
Music Specialist
9.30 HT / Mrs Daly / Finance Officer – School Finance Review
10 Social Workers visiting P3 and P6 pupils
11.30 HT / CP Core Group Meeting (P2 pupil) (Charleston C&FC)
1.45 Mrs Bromage, St Paul’s – Leng Medal Final
2 HT / JAT Development Workshop (Music Centre)
4 Mrs Fleming / Cluster NAR Group

PE and Music Specialists am only
am Mrs Lennon, DEPS, in school
6.30 HT / Lochee Regeneration Forum AGM (Menzieshill CC)

Department Assemblies
10 HT / Profiling Group (EDS)
2 HT / Dundee Association of HTs Meeting (EDS)
3 Football v Sidlaw View (Myrekirk)

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