New Term – Week 1 – What’s On

MONDAY, 24th October
New Term
9.30 HT / JAT Meeting (St Andrew’s Primary)
11.30 HT / Menzieshill Cluster Property Meeting
1.30 Target Assembly
1.45 HT / DHT Planning Meeting
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

am HT / St Andrew’s Primary Extended Review Class Visits
1.30 HT / Miss Forbes – SPACE Project Pupil Review (Dryburgh)
4 HT / AHDS Working Group (Park Place)

8.45 HT / Dundee Primary Heads Exec Meeting (EDS)
Bilingual Pupil Support (Wednesday mornings from now on)
pm HT / St Andrew’s Primary Extended Review Meeting
5.15 Case Review – Barnardo’s Polepark
7 Mass for Staff in Catholic Schools (Lawside Convent)

PE Specialist
Miss Moonie and Mrs Dashwood at CALM Training
9.30 P3s to Dundee Film Festival (DCA)
9.30 HT / 3.30 HT / Personnel Meeting
2 HT / Cluster HTs Meeting (St Paul’s)

FRIDAY, 28th
Department Assemblies
Miss Moonie and Mrs Dashwood at CALM Training
10.30 HT / St Andrew’s Class Visit
1pm P4 to Dundee Film Festival
1.30 – 2.15 House Time
3.30 HT / Personnel Meeting

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