What’s On for week beginning 19th September

Work Experience – Chelsea Duncan, MHS
House Preparation this week

MONDAY, 19th
10.15 Target Assembly
11.30 School Nurse / P2 pupil medical
11.30 – 3.30 P5s and P6s visit to Sensation
pm Bilingual Pupil Support Service staff
2 HT / Leeting Meeting for new PT posts (Kingspark)
3.30 Staff Working Groups

P6 visit to Pitlochry Dam
9.30 HT / Mrs MacPhail from St Ninian’s
4 HT and Miss Mullan / Diocesan RME Group (Pastoral Centre)

Mrs Lucas due back
2 HT / Promoting Positive Behaviour Group (EDS)

am PE Specialist

FRIDAY, 23rd
All classes – SCARF Calendar entries to HT
Assemblies – Departments
11 DHT / CP Core Group meeting (Charleston Child and Family Centre)
pm P5/6 Drumming

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