What’s on for this week……….22nd August

Interim Support Timetable start this week

MONDAY, 22nd
9 HT / Parent
10.15 Target Assembly
1.45 HT / meeting with Charleston/Lochee HT and Primary Manager re Local Implementation Group for new school
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

DHT out – Mentally Healthy Workplaces course
am Brass tution restarts
11 Support Staff Meeting
1.15 HT / Mrs Burns / Miss Moonie re SfL
pm String tuition restarts
6 – P7 Parents Meeting re Glenshee trip

P1-3 DUFC football coaching starts – DHT timetabling
10 HT / Mrs McLagan, HT St John’s HS (at St John’s)
1.30 HT / Amanda Robb, SCSS

PE Specialist
11 P1 Photographer (Tele)
1.45 Linda Lennon, DEPS meeting Miss Moonie plus staff from Rowantree P.S. re Nurture
2 HT / Dundee Primary HTs AGM (EDS)

FRIDAY, 26th
9-12 P7 SafeTaysiders trip
9-11.30 HTs Meeting with Director
Assemblies (DHT)
P1-3  9.15
P4-7  9.50
1.30 HT / Restorative Practices Development Group (DEPS)

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