Some public health information……….

From Dr Christopher McGuigan, Consultant in Public Health Medicine in Tayside:

‘There has been a recent increase in the numbers of measles cases in Scotland and the rest of the UK, mainly affecting younger adults. Many of the cases have been associated with recent travel abroad especially to France. A number of current measles outbreaks have been reported from France, Belgium and Switzerland.
Measles is highly infectious and can be a dangerous illness. It spreads easily in schools, universities and summer camps. Those who are not fully immunised with two doses of MMR are most at risk of developing measles.
As we approach the time of year when many children and students are travelling abroad on summer trips and family holidays, NHS Tayside, in common with other NHS boards, are urging parents to protect their children against measles. If you child has missed out on one or both of their doses of MMR vaccine, please consider getting your child fully immunised with MMR before you travel abroad during the summer break. Please contact your GP or practice nurse to arrange vaccination as soon as possible.’

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