What’s On This Week…………………

MONDAY, 14th

Miss Flight in for KIT Day.

Paul Evans, Miss Flight’s new ‘job share’ partner, visiting

9-11 P1 and P2 visit from A&E staff

10.15 Target Assembly

11 HT / ICT Refresh meeting with Ross Laing

11 Janette Hockley, Outreach Teacher with P7 Pupil

2 HT / Tayside House

3.30-6 Parents Evening


9.30 HY / P4 PSV

11 HT/Mrs Daly PRD Meeting

11 P7 Curling

12.30 HT / City House re Furniture for new school

1.15 P1 Fit Club

3.30 – 6 Parents Evening


am Dundee Primary Schools Cross Country Championships

11 HT / Attendance Review Group (St Paul’s)

pm HT / HTs Seminar (EDS)

pm Miss Smith out – appointment

3 HT  / Managing Behaviour Group Meeting (EDS)

3.30 HT / Primary HTs Association Executive Meeting


am Anne Leslie, Librarian, in school

9.15 HT / CP Case Conference re P1 Pupil (Claverhouse)

11 HT / P7 PSV

12 HT / Pupil Support Meeting for prospective new pupil (St Luke’s and St Matthew’s PS)

1.30 Open Afternoon

4 HT & Miss Anderson – follow up to Literacy Training (EDS)

FRIDAY, 18th

P2 and P5/6D Fundraising

(Red Nose Day)

Department Assemblies

10 HT / Laura Kilhooley, SPACE re P5/6D pupil

11 HT / SCSS Review

1.15 HT / Miss Wares – PRD Meeting

2 HT / Gill Paton re Book Banding

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