The week so far…..

P1 had a very successful visit to Verdant Works yesterday and were great ambassadors for the school. They learned lots about weaving and other things, and had great fun. Unfortunately no-one remembered to take a camera………….. 🙁

Mrs Doig, PT Guidance, and some senior pupils visited P7 yesterday to talk about transition to High School. Further visits will take place later in the term, and our P7s will be checking out the St Paul’s Transition Glow Group which has been set up by the St Paul’s Pupil Council. We also plan to have a St Paul’s Wall in school, with lots of information about St Paul’s on it.

P5-7 are all starting to use Alta Maths, a web based learning resource which should help boost their learning. A few technical hitches have got in the way, so far, but these will be sorted soon.

Our whole school target for this week has been to play carefully and with consideration for others in the playground. This has had mixed success so far – some children still need to slow down and be aware of what’s round about!

Tomorrow’s assembly should be interesting – Brother Douglas from St Paul’s will be here to talk to us about the St Paul’s fundraising project for an Indian Village. 9.30 start, family members welcome. 🙂

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