Well done to Primary 5, Primary 6/7F & Primary 6/7M for their fantastic production of Bugsy Malone. All of the staff at St.Clement’s are extremely proud of the effort and enthusiasm that went into making the performance a roaring success. There are so many talented children at our school and certainly a few stars in the making.
It was an incredible show and a stunning achievement. There are several young actors at our school destined for stardom! Well done to everyone involved.
loved taking part in this show, it was amazing and really fun. Hope we can do something just like that again.
very well done to everyone you were all brilliant and very confident at acting in front of so many people
from Ayner Smith
I thought Bugsy Malone was so good. it was one of our best shows we have had and we raised lots of money from it. Everyone was fantastic even the choir and we didin’t have that long to practice and we still done a brilliant job, GOOD JOB P6/7F
From Josh Stark-P6/7F
I thought that I was the main star but no I was wrong it is blousey
bugsy malone was very good and i loved my part shoulders i hope we do more shows soon.
Bugsy Malone was very enjoyably to practice and preform.
bugsy Malone was very good I would like to do it again
Bugsy Malone was AWESOME! 🙂
well done to everyone that was in busy malone it was one of the BEST show ever. you all done really well hope we do another one soon.
bugsy malone was very fun i wish we were still doing it
I really enjoyed doing Bugsy Malone and everyone was very confident at their parts WELL DONE EVERYONE!:D
I really enjoyed doing Bugsy Malone and everyone was very confident at their parts WELL DONE EVERYONE!:D
From Morevn Lee-p6/7F
Bugsy Malone was very very good and i enjoyed doing it and the acters were fantastic 😀
loved taking part in this show well done everyone
Bugsy Malone was great well done everyone
Well done to everyone who was playing a main bit in the show ei thought it was amazing well done to yous and hope there is more show like that coming up
By Carly Baird
Bugsy Malone was amazing, well from where i was sitting my mum loved my 2 grans loved it aswell
The show was fantastic it was really enjoyed taking part in Bugsy Malone that was the best show that I’ve been in.
The show was fantastic it was really enjoyed taking part in Bugsy Malone that was the best show that I\’ve been in.
Bugsy Malone was fantastic I loved taking part in the show, it is the best show I’ve ever been in.
i loved busgy malone it made all of my familly laughf