Week Beginning 15th September

It is hard to believe it has already been four weeks since we returned from our summer break. As always there has been lots crammed into the opening weeks.

We had a very successful Open Doors event of Friday with a very good turnout from parents and carers. It is always great for our young people to share their learning with you.

Primary 1 also had their photograph in the paper. Below is a copy for this who did not see it.

Weekly Diary







Important Dates

 Thursday 18th September School Closed to pupils (school used as a polling station)

Friday 19th September Non-uniform day £1 donation


School Dinners






Social Target






This Week in Pictures


Week Beginning September 8th

As always it has been a very busy week at Longhaugh Primary. The highlight of our week would have to be the residential  trip to Dalgusie many of our primary 7 pupils enjoyed. It was an eventful week and all the pupils and staff had a great time.

Hopefully these photographs will capture some of the fun everyone had

Weekly Diary

What’s on this week?

UN Convention on The Rights of The Child

We continue to discuss the rights of the child at our assemblies. This is very important to us at the school and believe our young people should be aware of their rights and the responsibilities that go with them.

We will be sharing this leaflet with all classes over the next few weeks and hope you will discuss it with your child.


School Dinners

Important Information

  • Our primary 1 pupils will be with us full time from Monday 8th September. That means they will finish at 3.15pm
  • REMINDER: the school will be closed on Thursday 18th September as we are being used as a polling station for the referendum

School Improvement

As part of our on going commitment to ensure we are the best we can possibly be the senior management team have a fortnightly focus for class visits. The focus for the next two weeks is ensuring pupils are always actively engaged.

We are also working our way through year 3 of our improvement plan. A leaflet will be issued soon about working groups within the school which help us achieve the targets within our improvement plan. Below is a copy of our improvement plan for 2014-2015

LPS SIP breakdownyear 3

What has been happening this week

Social Target

Our Social Target for the next 2 weeks