Week beginning 12th May

Week Beginning 12th May

Another busy week ahead at Longhaugh Primary School. As always there are a lot of exciting learning opportunities for our young people. We look forward to an assembly from Mr.Brough on Monday. There is golf lessons for primary 5’s and primary 6’s. We also look forward to welcoming some nursery pupils for stay and play activities. On Wednesday we will be visited by the Read Write Inc team who will look at how we deliver RWI and share good ideas.

Weekly Diary

Information items

Report cards were issued in Friday. You should have also received this letter. Please return it to school by Tuesday if you require an appointment.

parent interview

There will be Internet Safety talks for parents in the coming weeks. This is a city wide event details are below

School Dinners

Week 2 menu

The week in pictures


Pic of the Week

Social Target