Week Beginning 24th March


Assembly for this week


P7 Table Top Sale

On Saturday primary held a very successful table top sale. We had a great morning and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. Staff and pupils had planned the event very well which made the day go very smoothly. I know primary seven would like thank all the staff who helped and all the friends and families who came along spent their money and helped primary 7 raise almost £1000 towards their activity week.

Social Target

Weekly Diary

Week beginning Monday 24th March




8.00am SMT Meeting
9.30am Whole school assembly
10.00am HT with BSO

 10.00am Reading recovery staff meeting with DHT

1.30pm Radio Tay with Pupil Council
3.30pm Staff Meeting Rm. 16


Mr Sneddon out of school – Numeracy Training
8.15am DHT with Miss Mackay
11.00am Miss Mills out of school
1.30pm SMT, Mrs McKinney, Mrs Marr with parent meeting
3.30pm Mrs Corstorphine to Profiling CPD

WEDNESDAY – P5/6 Bake Sale

Mrs Marr out all day – Literacy Training

10.45am DHT in P1 RWI
1.00pm P1/2 to Teddy Bear Hospital
2.00pm ASPIRE with P6 Assembly Hall


THURSDAY9.30am DHT out at meeting

FRIDAY Non –uniform (Result of twitter poll)

pm P2/3, 3 & 3/4 Afternoon Tea  Assembly Hall

School Dinners

Week 3

Photograph of the  week

Click on the link below to see what was happening at Longhaugh Primary School last week
