Buttons T Bear

A special package arrived in Primary 1 and P1/2 on Monday morning.

No one knew what was in the package but it was addressed to Mrs Munro and sent to Dens Road Primary School. We opened the package and look what we found!

Buttons T Bear was in the box with his passport. He had come all the way from Killarney in Ireland. Buttons belongs to a class or 4 and 5 year olds. In the box we also found photos and information about their surrounding area. Their school is right beside a National Park. We loved the photographs they put in the box of red deer that live in the National Park. Buttons has a special job at Killarney. He sits beside the boys and girls and helps them with their work. And listens to their stories and gives them a cuddle if they are upset. We looked at Killarney on Google Earth. It is a long way away.

Buttons set to work with the boys and girls in the Active Learning Zone.

He helped them choose where they were playing.

He went to the bricks and helped the us build.

He went to the writing table  to help us write.

We drew pictures for him too.

He went to the Weather Studio and helped tell the weather.

He went to the computer and played on Education City to help him with his Literacy and Numeracy.

He went to the Skills table where he helped us with our adding and taking away skills.

He went to the story corner and lots of us read him stories.

When he was in the story corner he made lots of friends with the other bears that live there.

He also get a little bit dirty. But he loved painting daffodils!

We have made Buttons a book to show all the boys and girls in Killarney what Buttons has been doing.

Buttons T Bear will be starting on his travels again. I wonder where he will be going next! We will have to wait and see…..

One thought on “Buttons T Bear”

  1. Hello Buttons!
    I have tried to leave a comment here for you but it is difficult as the machine keeps telling me I am putting in the wrong code. But I’m an intelligent Bear, like yourself, so I don’t think that can be right!
    Anyway, I hope you enjoy your visit! I also hope that you didn’t get paint and crayon in your fur. As a fellow Bear, I know how horrible baths are to us!

    Nose hugs!

    Bob TB

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