Christmas Fayre Time!

Another busy week in P1 has found us learning about money to help us with our Enterprise topic. We have been learning to make things to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We also have had to decorate the hall with Christmas things too.


We have made Stockings and Christmas Trees to decorate the hall. We also wrote some invitations to invite our family to come to the Christmas fayre.


We drew a picture too to show what the Fayre would look like.

We also painted and decorated lots of things to sell at the Fayre.


We have used glue to help us make the stockings ans wands and we made lovely designs. We painted and used glitter on the wings. Oh dear. They were really messy!

To help us sell at the Fayre we were learning about money in maths. We are learning to recognise coins and notes. We have been sorting money in class and playing with money in the Active Learning Zone.

On Friday we had our Christmas Fayre. We sold lots of our products that we had made. We also got to get Christmas tattoos, face painting and so much more. Thank you to all the parents and carers and friends who came to support us.

In the ALZ…

Last week we set up our Music table..

In the Active Learning Zone we have been experimenting with music and musical insttruments and making our own sounds. Mrs Munro created a music booth for us to go and practise in. We love using the different instruments and some of us have been making lullabies. Lara has learned how to use the Easi-speak microphone and she has been showing everyone how to record the music we make. Click on the links to listen to our music.

music table

music table 2

music table 3

Week Beginning Monday 10th December

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • HOMEWORK – Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. The teacher will collect in the weeks work on Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed. Thank you.
  • Fruit money will be £1.80 for the term.
  • Dens Road Christmas Infant Nativity is on Friday at 9.45am and 1.45pm.

    One thought on “Christmas Fayre Time!”

    1. Hello Primary1!!!! How are you all?

      I can see you are all still working very hard. I have really enjoyed reading your blog! I am so impressed at the wonderful items you made for the Christmas Fayre did you manage to sell them all? What a lot of learning involved.

      I have been busy getting settled at my new school. I was very nervous at first because I was scared in case the boys and girls and staff wouldn’t like me. I did not need to worry because everybody is so kind. I miss everybody at Dens Road but my friends Mrs Mackay and Miss Davies let me know how you are all getting on.

      Good luck with your Christmas Show. I know you will all be wonderful!

      Have a fantastic Christmas.

      Mrs Cassidy. X

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