We have been so busy recently. We had an art session with Marji, Kirsty and Rebecca last week and we had to imagine ourselves as animals and draw what we would look like. It was quite hard, but we tried our best. This week we’ve been trying to imagine ourselves as sculptures.
Fit Friday was good. We loved playing Crazy Catch with Miss Dunlop and we hope to get to use it again soon. The Sport Relief Mile was a great success in the afternoon. It was a lovely, sunny day and we all managed to complete it. Some ran all the way and some of us walked, but we all did it.
Today has been really busy. We completed our egg challenge this morning when we had to design our parachutes to carry our eggs safely to the ground. The Friction Gang won and they got to eat the cream eggs too. We’ve also completed our filming of our news reports this morning. That had been great fun as we have reportered the story of the Twits.
We are looking forward to Friday because it’s the P7 Easter Fun Day, but we’ll be sad too because it’s Miss Wilson’s last day. We’ve had great fun while she’s been working with us and we’ll miss her when she’s gone.