We have had such a busy week.
We’ve been so busy with lots and lots of friction work with Miss Wilson and we’ve had great fun with all the experiments we’ve been doing.
We did our assembly yesterday for the whole school and lots of parents came along too. Mr Day even managed along to see it and he was really impressed that we had learned so much from the work he did with us. Unfortunately, Miss Hamilton couldn’t make it because she’s working on placement just now.
Yesterday, we started a block of work with Marji and Kirsty and we hope it’s going to help make our classroom a happier, friendlier place by the end of the block. We’ve learned a lot already and we all got a chance to explain what makes us happy or unhappy in our class.
Hello Primary 5/6
I would like to say a huge thank you to you all for a fabulous assembly. I really liked how you made it fun for the audience and really interactive. It is a pity we did not win a real £1 000 000. Just think what we could do in the school with all that money!!!!
Keep up the super learning.
Mrs Cassidy
Wow Primary 5/6 you have been really busy!! Primary 1a2 wanted me to tell you all how much they enjoyed your assembly. They said that you were all very clever and brave standing up and talking to such a busy assembly.
Your work on friction sounds very interesting. We have a science and investigating table and maybe someone can show us what friction experiement we could do there.
Well done.
From Mrs Mackay and Primary1a2